Here is my 10 most favourite posters ever!
Posters are a medium,important in reaching out to the masses,enticing one to be curious and interested in knowing the subject of the poster more,either by watching the movie or by purchasing the poster as an inspiration and using it as decoration on their ugly dusty wall.

Watching E.T. brought me back to my childhood days when my brother and his dumb friends who were always with their bmx and kuwaharas and my bro won't let me touch his bike until one day i sneaked out with his kuwahara but ended up with a pretty bad accident and things made worse when i got back home and mom gave extra 'bonus'trashing.

Ultra violent Alex and his droogs-a much messed up life of boys and got brainwashed by the system according to Stanley Kubrick.the movie was released in early 70s.classic material.

No possessed Linda Blair in the poster but yet just by looking at it give a sense of spookiness and chills down the spine.another 70s horror flick but is still one the best American horror movie ever made.

Pte Gomer Pyle story and how the war being fought in Nam.and also the fact that it's one of another good war movie ever made."Me Love You Long Time!"

the movie Jaws had an impact on many swimmers and non-swimmers alike-the fear of sharks!the minute you dip your head underneath the sea,the big picture of shark attack will appear in the mind-the fact that sharks are shy creatures and unless provoked it won't even come close or again who knows if you're 'fortunate' enough.
watchin Jaws 3 at the old Capitol theatre with 3d shades for effects was really unforgettable!i wish i could go back in time.

Not because i'm a big Star Wars fan but when i first looked at it i fell in love straight away,young Anakin's shadow is Vader!despite the soft colours and here it is in the background a dark force emerging.

For those who have no clue what the movie Snatch all about-you Suck Big time!one of the best British 'Gangsta' movie-a comical yet entertaining-underworld crime lords,lost diamond and fixing matches-and Brad Pitt as an Irish boxer.

Pulp Fiction,Quentin Tarantino-enuff said.

now Band of Brothers is not a movie but to me it falls into the same war movie category-its a HBO mini series and sure Akai got me addicted!

another Guy Ritchie's work,another gangsta movie.