"You know the day destroys the night,
Night divides the day.
Tried to run,
Tried to hide.
Break on through to the other side.
Break on through to the other side.
Break on through to the other side, yeah!"
the vid below hit our national news,which utterly so embarassingly stupid,and in case all of you wanna do something foolish,always remember,that at the convenience of the fingertips,today's handphone is made sleek and smart;a useful tool with an in-built camera which could capture images and short videos.and this couple apparently had to do this in public.and they've forgotten that "in whatever that you do,there is always somebody watching you...."
my throat itched so bad all due to the heavy daily intake of chocolates and other sweet stuffs and i don't really feel good now,felt a rise in body temperature and a slight chill also maybe due to the cold as it's been raining the whole day long-i hope i won't fall sick.
it's a sleepy sunday after all and all goody plans for a lovely afternoon has been called off due to the rain particularly,and here i am at home,and we're about two hours away ending our fast and i could douse plenty of water down my itchy swelling throat.
i wore my reebok Liverpool jersey and a matching red Adidas Gazelle trainers to work earlier,celebrating goodness,with the Reds victory though the win last night wasn't really impressive.but a win is a win,and that boosted our morale a lil bit,but still there are plenty of room for improvement,the team is not in best form lately and the coordination play is very poor.shame.
and talkin' about football,i saw this dude on a motorbike on my way home on the road,and he's in his footy gear and boots!either his out of his mind or he's just too dumb coz the road surface will definitely damage his boots!
it's a sad gloomy day from dawn till dusk,the skies had been unforgiving,draining it's mad cats and dogs onto us below,and we felt like not doing anything but to sleep or simply laze around.
if it's not me it's you. it's not only myself i'm speaking for,but the fact that everybody else here had the same feeling like i had,it's the weather and there's pretty nothing much you can do when the sky is angry and everything else is wet throughout the whole day.i was even late for work due to the fact that it was crazily pouring earlier but we've managed to do our work when it stopped for a bit,beamed a lil sunshine from between the dark clouds and ample time for us to clear our stuffs at the store.but after that,darkness hovers the entire earth again.it's not lively,it's just the weather dude.
it's a sad thursday evening. it was rather quiet in the office,with the occasional grunts and small burst of laughter from my colleague,couple of desks away who's completely glued to his poker game.i'm here,awating for a strange twist of fate to change my life or if not,just waiting for my turn to go back home in approximately 45minutes time.
no good news only sour ones,but nothing interesting to post it here anyway,other than that it's just 60'000 US soldiers in Afghanistan soil and petrol prices shot up again-$1.90 per liter-now that's a killer.it's goin up and up,and even when news spreading that the recession is almost over and the result of MJ's death was released-there is still the mystery which shrouded all this causes-are we ready for more drastic changes?
if you dig football casuals,click here.just sharing,not promoting or influencing.anyway you're big enough to think.enjoy!
It’s the most beautiful sleep for months. Like an overgrown baby snugged comfortably under the soft sheets, with nice springy bed and perfect room temperature which knocked me into deep sound state of unconsciousness I probably would not have realized if there’s a timebomb ticking next to me and blow me into pieces coz there I was, in sweet sleep.
I should have switched off the bloody mobile coz I was awoken by the nasty ringtone and in stirred groggy state tried hard to focus the motion blur and took me some time to reinstate myself oh boy I was so happy it was my day off I could sink myself back into slumber but I didn't and started the late afternoon clearing the mess;dusting and cleaning the room and already was I sweating.
Showers and all that and was kinda pissed off coz I couldn’t get a connection into the net,something’s is so wrong somewhere.
Something is sure wrong somewhere when the Reds is not proving themselves again with yesterday’s game,losing 3-1 to Villa in a homeground shame. Already,with only 3 games played since the start of the season, we’ve lost twice and that’s the total number of times we had last season.
And well without doubt, something is sure wrong with Leiva all the while, Mr Rafa. But i could be wrong and shouldn't the entire put to blame as well?
The next beautiful game will be against Bolton Wanderers this Saturday, I really hope and pray the boys will prove the world wrong, that two lost is enough and we shall improve and make progress for the rest of the matches this season. C’mon!
It’s 5.22pm as I express myself here, I’m getting ready to jump into nice clothes and hop onto my scooter and fetch my wifey, we’re headin’ to ebok’s place to break our fast together.
It was the first game of the season and already it hauled my spirits down and it was quite disappointing actually,to watch my favourite team lose to Keano's at White Hart Lane.
yes and i agree,that the team wasn't performing to their fullest and not in their best form last night,with the lone striker struggling to shake off Spur's defense line,and we only managed to get a goal in a penalty kick.oh yeah,and that clumsy collision between Carra & Skrtel. aren't we supposed to be playin' with style?what happened to the fast counter-attacking football that we are known for?if this persist,we'll land into trouble that's for sure.forget Xabi,he's gone for good,let's look ahead Reds,if we want the trophy this time,we've gotta work better than the last game.
p.s.-Insua and Johnson were good!but only if the whole team displayed the same enthusiasm yesterday,we wouldn't put the blame on the young official!ain't it,Rafa?
click here for notorious Sharp & Stylish Scousers!
Come this weekend is the much anticipated,much sought for after months of EPL drought,it's officially back,and everybody will look forward to the 'Beautiful Game' which rocked this planet for generations from footy fans to club hooligans to bookies and strangers in the streets who will nod in acknowledgement,offer a tight smile if both of you are wearing the same club jersey and i'm talkin' about the greatest football club in the world-Liverpool FC!
and spare those mouth-watering 'patriotism talk' of why fellow singaporeans who attended the game between the lions and LFC didn't supported our homegrown boys? my opinion-i paid $88 to see Liverpool FC at Kallang Stadium.and so the rest who came along who were just like myself,anxious Reds fans screamin' and singin' Kop anthems,wearing the same crest on our jerseys,all were there for a good reason-to catch Liverpool FC live in the flesh,right in front of our eyes. yes i agree,there wasn't the national anthem but that wasn't my fault,go shout at the organisers,but the saddest thing was how all the Hoo Haahs of why us singaporeans who attended that game,didn't supported the fellow singaporeans on the pitch-now that was silly exaggerated rumors spread by liars! i was there,when the emcee announced the singapore team,most of us stood up and cheered!and mind you,not totally all that were present at the stadium were singaporeans-from across the border and all other countries as well! so stop arguing and think.it is actually sad to see our boys being trashed by LFC but it is sadder to hear from those who started the badmouthing of us singaporeans in LFC jerseys.the fact is that those who spread the lies don't understand what this football culture all about,they fail and instead of uniting they are dividing us with all those sick news and all that. nothing against our local boys-they put up a good fight,but just like in any other game,there are winners and losers.and i actually envied them who fought against world class players on the pitch.now that's a chance in a lifetime.
don't believe the hype.
p.s.-oh,and you'll be a better singaporean if you stop complaining!
Today marked a month of my dear marriage life. gained few pounds,had insufficient sleep,but working out and adapting to this new phase,this comfortable new environment and so far so good.
and yes,bumpin' onto relatives and friends who still call us,'Pengantin Baru!' and all that kinda made me a lil bit shy,oh yes a lil bit.
one month,and it felt so good,i hope and pray it'll last forever,God willing,Insya Allah,still learning and asking tips and good advice from good folks around of how to be a good hubby,a good son-in-law,a good muslim,working on that one as well,trying Not to screw up anything especially.
work. been punctual,way earlier than anyone else on my shift actually.sent marlia to her workplace then i slowly twist my throttle down to my workplace,which is about 10minutes from her's.every day,almost,every monday to friday.with exception over the weekends.
my day off. the usual routine,send her to her workplace,and i work my way up to ebok's place,grab my gear and head to the pool,still the same old stuff that i love. and try to squeeze things that i love most during that afternoon at ebok's-be it harassing that bad ass cat or simply just watch a movie till i doze off and awoken just nice to deaprt and fetch marlia from work.
routine. i guess that's as important as love in marriage,i think.and it seems like it.getting the hang of it now,anyway.so,marlia's mom is a great cook,and her sis is good at pastry and all those oven stuffs,her dad is cool,like my dad,and a big Man utd fan but hey its ok. her two cute nephews will pop by every single morning and the house is always fill with cheeky cheerful laughter and happiness.and that's as important,what is everything without happiness.
but i do still miss home.
May We Are Showered With Love And Barakah,Ameen.
and snippets from our wedding vid,the videoman posted it for us all.WooHoo!
he sat two tables away from me,another dude was smoking after his meal at the table next to him.the old man coughed which followed by several grunts and a disgusting mouthful of phlegm which he spat on the floor and continued with his cigarette.
i was having my morning tea with richard and i was watching a Javan Mynah darting from nowhere and flew straight down onto the floor,on its feet checking out for crumbles of food and it clumsily took it step forward to where that filthy old man spat and in split second,the bird craned it's neck down and scooped up the mucus with it's beak and swallowed that slime down its throat.now that's gross.talkin' about bird flu,now that's how diseases spread isn't it?human negligence-ill discipline,failure of being a responsible person looking after one's personal hygiene and others as well and sheer disrespect towards nature and Man.now imagine what will hapen to that poor lil bird,now may God have mercy on it's soul.
as said,i didn't get that tampines route for my first day of jog after a month long break,but i however still jog,but went to my usual route in Pasir Ris Park,i got a slot right after knockin' off from work,jumped into my adidas Liverpool gear but with with an odd pair of skulls and stars socks which totally blend in,but that did not even hinder my burning fiery spirits,with a perfect sunset setting in the horizons,the beach was somehow packed by the evening crowd who probably forgotten that today is a monday,or maybe they are just like me,trying to unwind after a stressful crazy mundane monday at work,i was in fact,totally burnout after me and my fellow crew dismantled the 60 piesces of heavy platforms which was used the past weekend for some youth asia breakdancin' stuff,and it was quite exciting actually,the Not is that we have to carry and returned the loads back into the cramped store,and to my suprise especially after a long holiday and i've to return to this,whoa!was quite tiring yeah.
return of the jedi- besides the fresh cool air & beautiful evening setting by the beach,the jog was actually slow and i felt like i had some respiratory attack,was really struggling mad for air and was trying real hard trying to keep with the pace which in fact that i was slow and as i did sit-ups,i really believe that i put on weight,and felt like i had this ball in the tummy coz it was restraining myself from doin' a good proper perfect sit up-Oh!OH!this is happening to me,help!ring the alarm!now if i don't do something,i'll grow B-I-G-G-E-R!!!!!!!!!
but all that scary thoughts mellowed as i got back home,my tummy growls sending smoke waves & signals to my inert brain-an indication that i was hungry-and dinner quickly commenced with not one but several plateful of simply irresistable roti jala with mutton curry and on top of that-i munched plenty of keropoks and washed it all down with sugary sweetness of Root Beer soda and who can push all that away-oh it's just me and i was hungry and i'm weak enough to shield away all those earthly goody temptations-i'm goin gym at lunchtime tomorrow anyway,join me?
or join me for the upcoming another tarantino flick?well you should,dude!
Monday morning.and it's the first monday morning that i've to wake up as early as 7.20am,draggin' my lazy butt for a fresh shower and delayed prayers and breakfast and made a quick dash to Marlia's den and i'm all earlybird here at my workplace and it's only 9.20am with my tummmy growling in anger with the monster in me awating to be unleash and soothe in awhile.and i only start work at 10am.
slippin' the chemical bros track,i'm jumpin' on my feet again,those programmed expressionless zombies rushing to thier offices made me laugh,hey i'm having fun!
it's goin' to be a long day,with scheduled meetings and plannings and stuffs to do,a struggle,trying to stay competitive and alive here.and that is so dull,don't you think so?
i am not perfect in many ways.i've gotta work on weekends.i always believe there is 'somebody' watching me,especially when i shut the lights off.i hate long queues,traffic jams & last minute requests.i love confrontations.i'm married to a beautiful,loving and understanding angel.i hang out with filipinos who speak japanese.i love quiet places but i love loud music too.i don't remember what i wanna be when i was a child.i'm always a good citizen,i obey the law and i treat human & aliens with equal respect.i don't like cowboy movies.i love the wind blowing in my face when i'm speeding on the road.i am what i am and stop pretending you like me coz i know."You're crazy,sam!"that's what they said,and i just don't give a damn.(and it rhymes too.)