we all ignore the fact that we're all travelling in lightspeed,we're too busy with all our daily woes and stuffs and all that,and although we know but most will deny that we're all aging,in pretty fast rate.and with all the daily dosage of junks that we consume,the poison that we inhale,the bad sense of style & fashion that we adapt day in,day out we will very quickly be part of history as well..
fret not,coz the fact is that we all will depart someday,but the most important thing is that,are we prepared?
well prepared or not,when is your turn is the question.but let that not be our decision,and it's a scary thought if you could decide when is yours.
we are all subjected to meet our end,sooner or later,and during our stay on this dying planet,let's spend our lil precious time doing good-be it submitting to God,quality time with the family and friends,doing good at work,be a good citizen and contributing back to the society and it can be anything so as long it is good.
you can have good neighbours but family will always be there for you in both good and bad times.whether you're far or near,they will always somehow be close,and as said will be the first to assist when you're caught in hot water.and also the first to congratulate you on you birthdays even after so many attempts to remember theirs.touchy.
taxi drivers and other inconsiderate snobbish motorists.
forget them.ignore and avoid them as much as you can.apart from the carbon monoxide,honky horns and middle fingers,there is practically nothing you can do if you're caught in near-misses or almost-an-accident situations.sticky.
in simple words-stay calm.and take lotsa water.a scoop of Andersen Ice Cream will mellow your angst too.
be able to have ample time to plan your work and play.it's even better if you could play at work,which means you enjoy your work,like me.but that doesn't mean you don't work,planning yourself so you don't under or overwork does help boost your life as it does to me and me crazy colleagues.it's totally a big lie if one say they don't suffer from stress.we ALL do,and we can avoid that,it's how you cope,how you tackle stress and your daily shitty problemos.even if you're boss is barking at ya,relax take the chill pill,kickback and hv a feel of lazy brazil.get on the tide,go with the flow.que sera sera.catch the drift?
a man needs about 7-8 hours of sleep nightly,to recharge all the lazy bones.even robots and machines need rest too.inadequate rest will have bad results.you can't think and perform well-you can swallow all the energy boost drinks that you can get over the shelves but when you don't have ample rest,you just can't do a hundred percent.forget coffee,it stains your teeth dude.
exercise regularly helps.it's just that we have 1001 excuses don't we.in fat we know all the goodness when we workout-from growin' muscles to moving bowels smoothly.a good hygiene contributes too.
all the reason to be merry again.
and all the reason to be merry and shop till you drop at this cool joint-http://retrosport.blogspot.com/
and the good reason to plug your tiny earphones,a small window and pretend you're doin work at the office and dig this-http://static.youku.com/v1.0.0055/v/swf/qplayer.swf?VideoIDS=cc00XMTEwMDM4MTI&embedid=-&showAd=0
go gaga!