Here Comes The Sun-Voodoo Glow Skulls
two of my most fave but yet i don't find it appealing when they collaborated.i find it..corny..
or maybe it's beckham..
"You know the day destroys the night, Night divides the day. Tried to run, Tried to hide. Break on through to the other side. Break on through to the other side. Break on through to the other side, yeah!"
two of my most fave but yet i don't find it appealing when they collaborated.i find it..corny..
or maybe it's beckham..
Posted by
Sam vs the World
10:17 am
the weather was forecasted showers with thunder at several parts of the island,i bet that didn't happen at all.throughout the entire day,and that trip earlier down to Ubi to pickup the gloves and harnesses purchased for the Co,i was on my vespa and had to brave the dusts and scorching heat,damn it was hot!
i've been slamming the fridge next to my table few times now,everytime i peeked in,i helped myself to the chocolates,damn i'm feeling hungry now.
i'm waiting for my wife,she's still at her workplace while waiting for her call's her dad's birthday today,and we're planning to get him a gift later this evening,and i'm planning to catch a good hearty dinner,we actually planned a nice dinner with the entire family-but since her mom is still warded,we'll just celebrate simply by getting the old man a lil something.
i'm also getting my Otterbox case for my Iphone later,and boy it cost $68.00 and i was issued a summon earlier this morning at Bedok,for failing to display a parking coupon-not negligence but 'i had a strong feeling' the attendant would skip my Bella,but hell i was wrong.and now i've to fork out $8.00..
and hey enough of that football thing already...
Posted by
Sam vs the World
6:17 pm
I'm back to work after away for 3 days,celebrating Eid with family and close relatives,visiting and enjoying the food and laughter together,it felt so short but yet felt so good after away from most of them for quite some time.
and i was away from my ebay account,until last night i decided to surf in,and i got a suprise,the sith infiltrator which i have been eyeing was there and without haste i booked the item and i was the only bidder,and this morning i was the winner and the winner hopes to collect the prize later this evening,i hope.and my wife been nagging ever since she found out but i just kept my ears shut.
it ain't easy acquiring things that i love most-those toys needs patience to land into my arms-a lotta effort and $$$ too,but it's an obsession.
i finally shaved my beard,after a month long growing and keeping,i thought it's most appropriate to keep it tidy,i think i look good,hey i feel good.
it's raining,oh finally,after days of scorching spell which befallen us,it feels cooler at least,but i hope it quit before i leave later.
my bosses were in London,and so i thought i was late for the meeting this morning,but silly me,it was postponed till they are back sometime next week,that's for not checking the email regularly,but i felt good too,as i don't have to sit another round of 2 hours meeting session,how glad!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
12:30 pm
1/2 an hour to go and most of us here who're celebrating Eid ul Fitr are given early release today.i can barely open my eyes with the intense heat from the sun,and the sunshades is my best friend right now.
there are only lil bits of minor touch ups of cleaning and tidying up needed back at home,most of the major ones already done over last few nights and that contributed to me feeling weaker in the day,barely had enough sleep but it's over soon,in hours.
the fast-inculcates and strengthens my faith to be spiritually closer to God,and the month long abstaining from food,water,sexual thoughts and desires is truly a test and to feel how the poor felt from starvation.and Ramadan is close to its end,and i hope i live longer to see the next Ramadan,Insya Allah.
And here's wishing all fellow sisters and brothers Salam Eid Mubarak!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
12:29 pm
i've been sitting here for almost an hour now,trying to rectify the recurring problem of my ageing kept restarting and blue screen kept bet it's dying pretty soon,i hope not.
not when there's plenty of stuffs i needed to be done,and i have not started any.
and i've kept myself occupied,bingeing on crackers my wife brought into the room,dousing it down with the concoction of milk and orange juice which i slowly sipped down my throat.
it's truly a lazy sunday,was pretty much tired after wiping and cleaning windows and fans in the living room last night which dragged all the way till about 3 in the wee morning,and then it started to rain,heavy rain which caused a lil discomfort and quite a struggle for me,dragging myself out of the bed this morning,oh my,i was late for work.
when we called it a day back then,i jumped onto Bella,contemplating whether to pop by china square for my star wars hunt or to return home and hit the sack instead,but when i reached down my pockets i discovered that i didn't bring along my wallet,and so i had no choice but to opt for the latter.
home and i was feeling drowsy after shower,i crashed onto the bed amidst the comfy pillows and the soft cool wind blowing onto my face,i was knocked out instantly.
startled 10 minutes before iftar,i washed myself and had a tasty meal with the family,which followed by prayers and then a short trip later to the shell station for the v power petrol promotion.
and so i thought i could do with my unfinished business now,but it seems i that i could never complete it anytime soon.bloody laptop don't u dare die on me now!!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
10:44 pm