Excuse Me While I Kiss The Sky!
'All my bags are pack and we're ready to go,
i'm standin' here outside your door,
i hate to wake you up and say goodbye....'
Yeah,i'm all set..didn't really plan,i just chucked whatever that i remember inside my backpack.gotta be at the airport by 6am.now that everythin's ready,i juz sit back & chill.
hugged & kissed ibuk earlier,she told me to look after meself & marlia."Jgn Ngaruk-Ngaruk pat sana,"she told me then and as far as i remember she told me that everytime i stepped out of the house.a lil bit sad but more to the joy side,i look back and wave ibuk as i about to descend the stairs.
Left my scoot under the mango tree,took the train back to pasir ris.it was a long journey and seriously packed with tired commuters.was listening to purple haze,when i saw this dude with jimi hendrix t-shirt,what a bloody coincidence.i also saw this guy,with funny-looking tribal tattoo on both of his elbows,not really big but prominently shaded on his wrinkly fair flesh.why don't think of a nice,probably something more bizzare design that worth every dollar on the ink spent?the thing is,his tatto ain't nice looking,looked more like twisted worms,still again u might say that his money what,or probably he would have said,"Gua Punya Pasal Lah,G
ua Punya Duit Perr!!"If he called that art,i say,OPEN YOUR EYES DAH!!!!if not because of my parents,and my faith in religion,i would have 'invested' much of my skin.dragons,skulls are so typical,i could have printed my body with deep sea monsters or robots or whateva that don't look miserably carbon copy.pratically,you get a tattoo is to get attention,so why must get an awful looking one?no offense,but i saw many dudes and dudettes with similar looking tattoos,don't they realize?and if i can,i would like to make a book-'World's most ugly tattoos.'and probably that would generate some cash and people waiting outside my house as well...ok,ok..my bad.shouldnt be bitchin.gotta give it a rest now. see ya on the 9th.take care ppl.
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