Boys Don't Cry
Due to the football mania,i woke up later than usual.awoken by the obnoxious cellphone's ringing tone at almost 3pm earlier this afternoon.was real hungry,packed my stuff and went down to Go Sports and met adil.bought shoes and tees.rushed home,had my late lunch and dashed down to oxley rd to fetch marlia,we had Mcd's fishburger and nuggets,grab my deck at pasir ris,sent marlia home and i vroomed down to old capitol theatre and met the boys at 9pm.adil vallely and doughboy sid was there,yanto tego was late.we warmed up at the multi storey carpark.when yanto arrived we cruised down the same route as last week.made few stops in between.and finally at the skatepark.we made progress-we grind,yes we grind those waxed woods,yanto was gettin' real good at it and adil too,i tried my best,but i fell real bad on that slippery,rusty rail and caused quite a damage on my right sliced my flesh open and swelled instantaneously.i was in pain.loosened my belt,took off my wet tee and rest a bit.(sakit siol!)thanx to our medic,dough boy 'tiger' siddiq.(and it's so good to have you along,my nigga!)

got home,put some ice on the wound,relaxed by the tube,witnessed kaka fabulous shot,seedorf at 30mins and final score by gilardino.i was really happy that milan is gonna face liverpool instead of man u.

What Doesn't Kill You,Makes You Stronger.
Bones Break,Bones Heal,Glory Lasts Forever!
(Sorry ah,not glory glory man united..*sob*)
( here to know more.)
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