for couple of days and couple of nights,and only now i could access the network.
there must have been some glitch somewhere,and it totally prevented me from entering cyberspace.and due to that,i've glued myself to PsP,and it got really frustrating,coz i smoked more cigarettes when my mind was in idle mode.thank God,thank whoever who got this thing rectified.
now i'm back.
i badly need a day off.i just can't wait.though the holidays are almost over,it seems that the programmes are twice as much.it keep coming,and coming and coming.STOP!
i kept thinking about work.even when i was counting sheeps,work kept me up.and i woke up halfway in midst of my beauty sleep.and i got nightmares too,it's kinda normal to those who are close to me,but this time round,it's getting pretty much every night.no,i don't need to see a witchdoctor but i need to get over with this school holidays.ahh.
and i'm so into Byork lately.
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