
go get your macha dey!
"You know the day destroys the night, Night divides the day. Tried to run, Tried to hide. Break on through to the other side. Break on through to the other side. Break on through to the other side, yeah!"
go get your macha dey!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
4:14 pm
nope that's not the latest fashion.and certainly one won't put that on in the office during a meeting.looking dumb and foolish,with a cold chupa chups 'crown',well,that is me.
that is me.positive.
no i am not trying to be funny or trying hard to 'act cute',but well,that is certainly me,myself and i.
and the best thing is,the people i work with are pure shiny happy people.and we do our job,no matter what we do,so as long we work within our boundary,treating everybody with equal respect,meeting deadlines,so on and so forth,the bosses or anybody else WON'T diss us.
i'm just being me.
and for being myself,i bumped onto a young lady at my workplace years back.and honestly,the first time when i laid my eyes on her,i instantly disliked her.for no reasons.and to be frank,nobody liked my character and attitude as well,for whatever reasons.maybe it's because of my outrightness,or the color of my blonde hair before,the clothes that i wore,my approach?i don't know.
but as time past,i got pretty close with this lady,we hung out and got into serious relationship and she got hooked to my misadventures as well;from fishing dangerously at a remote wooden jetty in Ubin,unequipped Ledang hiking,lost in Bali,alarming separation at Vietnam/Cambodia border customs,rented motorbike's tyre burst in phuket,snorkelling at shark bay in phi phi and plenty other scary and fun experiences that we went through together,in both thick and thin,good times and bad times.and i must say,that with so many people that i've known,nobody is equivalent to her;being very loving,very understanding,very patient and very angelic as well.coz i know,no one could tolerate my stubborn temperamental behaviour,but she however managed to shape and mould me into a better man with a twist of crazy colorful adventures.
and today she turned a year older.and to this special person,i wish a Happy Birthday,wishing and praying for her good health,everlasting big love,hugs,happiness and hope that we'll be together forever ever and ever.
Happy Birthday Nur Marlia aka Minerva Marlia Pok!!!!!!!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
12:29 am
ahh...time really flies super fast,seems like a blink,and its almost the end of the year again.(the end of the world is imminent.)
it seems like only yesterday everbody chanting Auld Lang Syne in harmony,and now we're about two months away,closing the hectic year again.
wow!that's fast.
my scoot is almost three years old in about a month time,and the next couple of days,i've to make arrangement for her first vehicle inspection.three years already?
wow!that's fast.
gotta replace the front tyre first,then i proceed to sin ming,where i choose to have my scoot inspected.yeah a bit nervous to undergo the inspection,coz my air filter makes a loud noise and the pipe pops every now and then,other than that i believe it's all ok,it's all good.
*POOOOOOT*oops i just popped gas.i farted.every now and then too.occasionally,like in a meeting or in the office,i've tried very hard not to break wind,and when i do,my tummy hurts.even my ebok would scream at me when i poooot at home.i can't help it,like i said,when i tried,i got sick.
my farts,almost 90% odorless,but of course depending of what food i consume,no,don't shut your nostrils,i don't eat egg.yes,most of people whom i knew who eat eggs every morning,will have the worst nauseating smell,God forgive em'.
my farts,odorless,harmless but a bit audibly eh?no please don't try it at home,ok?
rude you might say,but i've read somewhere,that farting,is actually a good indication that the bowels are in working condition and our body system need to release gas,and by farting,we release em'.
now get the Fart out!!!!!!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
12:18 am
it was a very long day.they said the temperature was 33 degrees.i dared not removed my shades.Good God protected me the whole day,the whole while,as i stood by the console,and braving the unforgiving heat handling the family day event earlier.
i swallowed too much saliva,coz my throat was really dry,i could feel the unbearable pinch,on my neck,on my cheeks.but i was calm,like john wayne without a saddle and a gun.but i swear i could have fainted.
at the end of the day,as i knocked off from work,i walked.and as i walked,i could hear my bones rattling,i'm losing strength,it was 4.30pm and the sun was strongly shining still,rays seeping through the leafy trees at the park,i dragged myself.
took a long cold shower,i can't stretch my eyes wide,washed my pile of filthy clothes,and then climbed up the stairs (how i'd wish there's an escalator)and collapsed on the carpet.i was knocked unconscious,well semi-unconscious.coz the bloody phone kept ringing and vibrating kept me up.
was supposed to meet up with adleene,ebok and ayah,but i couldn't join em,marlia was hold back at work,and by sunset,i had a mug of brown rice soymilk and 4 biscuits.yes 4.
i was totally burnout,but i wasn't hungry.i was dehydrated.
but what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.and same applies to all who believe as well.
have faith and stay strong!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
12:38 am
It's karaoke sing-a-long session,c'mon!C'mon Ya'll!!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
2:25 am
Reach for the Stars!
Jetset to the moon,packed myself some banana sandwiches and gatorade,
halfway across the skies and already i could feel less weight.
left the sunny isle for greyish rocks,dark horizons and pretty blank space.
will they welcome my arrival,or shoot my ship down to a fiery blaze?
have i had too much of everything?all the disturbing scenes and sins,
wars,killings,murders and snatch-thieves?
no portion of the grass is greener no more,or which side of the politics should i believe?
i stand corrected,correcting corrections,no more in stimulations,now breathing in my spacesuit,uncomfortably yet h-a-p-p-y,and that you can't snatch that away from me.
in my own phase,my own space,my way,taste my own tears runnin down my face,
gdbye earth.hello spaceboy.
don't tell me,don't ask,don't try,don't.plz.
Posted by
Sam vs the World
12:10 am
it was a very sunny thursday,kept my cool,with my old von zipper shades,the scorching heat burns every single thing on this part of the earth,good thang i wore my australian military shorts,but the seven of us weren't wearing our t-shirts anyway as we toiled together,clearing the platforms and suprisingly we managed to clear em up in only 3 hours.
me boss trap never shuts,like 7-11,nagging,how i wish i don't have to step in the office ever.
anyway,we got our jobs done very early,and after a deal with my filipino ese,me and k-fad went to break our fast back in our crib;k-fad bought a 1.5 litres bottle of soda and a packet of biscuit,i got meself a glass of honeydew soyamilk,a cup of tea,a pack of biscuits and a japanesey cheese pancake.
honestly,i wasn't hungry,but THIRSTY.and after gobbling down the pancake and a couple of biscuits,swallowed the honeydew soyamilk,i smoked a cigarette and sipped on the lovely hot tea,in the backyard,enjoying the seabreeze and burning sunset amongst the green swaying trees.perfect.
we're started work at 2pm and supposed to end at ten,but by 8.30pm,i'm already with marlia pok on my big black scoot headed towards ikea tampines.*sneaky-sneaky*
monkeys we were like,we laughed and poked fun and took pictures like as if we own that gigantic store.
bought few items;
1-a colorful floor rug
2-a red colored ice cube tray
3-a metallic toothbrush holder
4-a couple of pillow cases
5-a red throw(heck i don't even know what it is for)
ooh,and tomorrow we're supposed to break our fast together at nenek's place up in redhill,but marlia couldn't confirm that she could be dismissed from work early,so it's still on a holding pattern but i really wanna go and see nenek and break fast with all my cousins.hmmm.
hope everything's good for everyone with a hope.phat.
and as i type this,alec empire is probably making his way down to DXO already.i'm gonna miss his gig.
don't you kai?
Posted by
Sam vs the World
11:38 pm
my tummy is SO bloated.
i had a lil too much food when i broke fast earlier,and though been hours now but still it's bloated.
and during our meal,ebok told me to see jaapa coz since he underwent surgery i didn't had time to pay him a visit.he was fine,we had nice conversation over tea at casuarina rd and then to a gas station where he had his car washed.he still bugging me to go diving,i just smiled.
alhamdulillah,everything went smooth,although it's a bit tiring back at work,but so far,so good for this early part of ramadan.hungry-no,thirsty-yes,but i stick to drinking about 1 litre of water before the strike of dawn each day,so i am not that many evils i've to face at work,but i handle and tackle it with patience,yes sometimes i'm angry,but i quickly doused the fire off before it turned to a maniacal flame.
sleepy,i'm always sleepy,as i usually hit the sack pretty late every night,i like to surf the net or if i can't access the network (which what i'm experiencing back at work lately) i'll read a book,or simply just do other things that i love,like drawing cartoons or simply tidying up my stuffs,enjoying quiet moments in private,with only lush fm accompanying me.and since i fell ill the last time,i haven't touch my Psp yet,coz if i do,it's gonna be worse,and i tend to sleep even later than usual,so for the time being i'll give it a rest a lil bit.
but ramadan or no ramadan,work is still work,no excuses.
quite sad when a colleague approached me and asked,
"kau puasa,sam?(are you fasting,sam?)
and i replied,"ya,puasa beb."(yes,i am.)
"kau tak..?"(and you?)
"tak ah...camne nak puasa,keje berlambak,org dulu dulu bolehlah,tak keje,dorang gi perang,dapat harta,balek kaya raya,mcm kita nie cam maner nak puasa?
dulu ustad aku time puasa ajak aku gi kedai kopi,makan bersama,aku tanya dia tak puasa?dia cakap itu urusan dia dgn Tuhan,aku pon join dia lah.."
( to fast?there're so many work to do.the older generations could fast,because
they fought wars and returned home with treasures and turned guys like us,how to fast?and once,my teacher brought me to a food centre during fasting month,and when i asked him why he's not fasting,he said it's between him and God,so i joined him having our meals together.."
i was shock..hmm..i didn't wanna engage in a battle with him,but deep in me strongly,somehow i knew that his excuses are blatantly dumb.
my dad did'nt go to war and we're not rich,and so was my grand dad and grandads before him,who probably went to war but i didn't see any points linking or supporting his claim.
and sorry to say this,but i think he got the wrong ustad to guide him.yes,everything is between us and God,but if you're guiding somebody,would you mislead?and being somebody with the title ustad,he's supposed to show a good example,unless of course he's ill and couldn't fast,but i doubt still,coz even an average muslim,will be too embarassed to be eating in the day,at the foodcourt during ramadan,and not even asking a student to tag along.that's wrong.yes,that ain't right.
do the right thing,fellas!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
11:26 pm
they made me run around the resort today.and on the last segment,i was attached to this pair of girls,and damn,they sure can run like hell.they are supposed to complete tasks of going around the f&b sneaking for food and pairing last words of each edibles to form another food and eat em' and on the fifth task,they actually have to run across the resort all the way to another resort to climb and complete the rope course which was quite scary so to say.
i am tired,and now i'm hungry..i'm goin home.i can't think anymore and hence i can't type no more.
"home,is where the heart is."
and i miss ebok's home-cooked delicacies.i'm outta here...
adios ayer!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
11:12 pm
1-i fell asleep,uncomfortably seated on a hard plastic chair with mouth agape and legs splayed wide open, while attending the p.a.system,exposed or should i say by the stage and in front of so many audience,during a telematch on a family day event earlier this morning.
2-and also,without checking thoroughly the contents of the cd that i played,getting too engrossed with the beat but negligently ruling out the lyrics,one went off with a loud..."BITCH!!!!"...and that was during the same family day,when everybody is attentively listening,of everybody's favourite segment,the grand lucky draw.ooops.
3-on my way back to my crib,i confidently shouted at a friend many times,calling him 'william' instead of embarassing.excuse me,am i that old?
4-i stumbled with words many times on the microphone,live on air,during a a gameshow i hosted earlier,i felt dumb.
5-shocked when i reached dhoby ghaut station at 7.45pm,there weren't anyone except for muradikal and hambalism who were clearing their own stuff,leaving me and larry,to dismantle 22 exhibition booths when the event ended at around 5pm.worried,with a mix of angst,the convoy of part timers arrived halfway during the teardown.gulp.
6-as we about to leave,my itchy feet took a stroll,i saw a trolley of seven black barricades stood by the bushes.imagine if i've never took that walk...
7-my younger bro,got a cut above his eyes as he was dismantling the same exhibition panels at fort canning,he got sent to the hospital,got many stitches,shocked many as well,including ebok,who's having asthma attack at home.
8-i got a brush with death as i was returning home,i almost collided with a cab,as i made a careless turn,was my mistake obviously.
tired?too many work?no ample rest?reckless?lucky?unlucky?excuses?reasons?
all work and no play makes jack a dumb boy.(or a dumb robot?)
Posted by
Sam vs the World
2:48 am
Thanx to Yanto coz i got a pair of tix to the International Muay Thai Championship held at the indoor stadium earlier this evening.
before i touch on the kickboxing part,i was actually very,very tired.left for work early this morning and we braved the heavy morning peak hour traffic to dhoby ghaut mrt station,cathay theatre and finally fort canning for a major was tough,REAL tough,especially when i'm fasting and simultaneously i'm sweating badly.thank God,it wasn't sunny,coz it was practically shady,and rained pretty much the whole day.we completed our tasks fast and furiously,and rushed back to pasir ris,where i got ample rest and shower,hit town with marlia,beach rd fd centre where we had the best mee goreng in the world;with chunks of mutton,peas,potatos to sum it all up and it was hot and spicy,just how i liked it.had sugar cane juice and teh halia and boy,i deserved the break,after a long hellish day.and it wasn't over till it's over,coz tomorrow i gotta return back there to dismantle all that we put up.gotta stay strong!
took us less than 10mins,just a 'nicoll highway' away,from beach rd food centre to indoor stadium,and after quite a walk along the dim aisle,we got our seats,dude,those were,almost front seats,it was a good view,those guys who were seated on round tables with wines and big glasses of God knows what they're drinking were the closest to the ringside.
the first time i watched a kickboxing match was at phi phi,the second was at downtowneast d'marquee and this was the third time i caught this,though the one back in phi phi was more of a rough and hardcore match,and what the one at the indoor stadium was more of a milder,stick-to-the-rules kinda match.but it was exciting.the best match was the ladies match,from australia and thailand,and you should've seen that siamese lady boxer,she was stout,and her arms were way bigger than mine,while the australian girl was tall,thin and from a glance,had no chance of beating her opponent,who before the match started took about 10mins going around the ring.and true enough,the australian was beaten.even if an average guy won't stand a chance to beat that siamese boxer.
"tonite!tonite!you see muay thai,you see thailand!"
a very common sight and sound of a truck with speakers going around in thailand,promoting muay thai fights.
so do you really think muay thai originated from thailand?nope,i don't really think so....
"check it out,Round One!"
Posted by
Sam vs the World
12:08 am
it was the first day of the holy ramadan.i felt real weak today,my eyes were droppy and i yawned every 30 seconds,the heat from the sun also weakened my strength today,my throat was as dry as a desert,hey,it's just the first day.
i ate with my family back home,i drank a lot of water,damn i was VERY,VERY thirsty.i remembered when i was a child,ebok would roll a ball of rice and after reciting the breaking fast prayers,she would feed me marking the end of a day's fast.i chuckled.and soon after dinner,i crept into the bed and dozed off,i was real tired and when i opened my eyes it was 10.30pm,ebok wanted to packed some lauk and rice but i insisted on keropoks and goreng pisang instead.i told her,i am not going to be hungry,just thirsty.not even cravings to smoke,just thirsty,and tomorrow we goin back down,uphill fort canning,it's gonna be a real challenge.but nothing is gonna break me,that i promise.
i was on my way back to pasir ris,i rode real slow,i was still groggy and at the same time enjoying the night breeze,exited the highway and it was rather quiet with few vehicles on the road zoomed past me,as i made a turn and along this road which is by this huge factory,i jammed break...i almost ran over her,i stopped dead on my track,she just looked and walked without muttering a word.good thing there's no vehicle behind me,i was too shock to say anything,i didn't see her crossing,she was wearing dark clothes,a dark jacket with 'temasek polytechnic' printed on the back and good thing i wasn't speeding,coz if i did,i won't be able to stop on time and that might be the end of either 3 of or my scoot.dumb girl,she's so careless.
do you believe in angels?
i do.and you should too.
Posted by
Sam vs the World
12:17 am
oooh,i got burnt by the scorching heat and now my skin itch.especially on the back,the neck areas and my face.*scratching*
all due to a week,for about 2-3hrs each day at wild wild wet park for the daily water games that we conducted.and also,my flu have not fully recovered and i can't pay a visit to the doctor as there are plenty of work to be done and i can't be dismissed from work.poor me.and my scoot shook my bones everytime i slowed down,got this jerking,vibrating,choking motion when i go less than 50km/h.and left me with no choice,but to send it for repair tommorrow off for this week again,sigh,we've to go all out,for the upcoming events this weekend,and also it coincides with ramadan,and hey,i really need all the strength and patience,but i guess i am gonna be alright.
last week i saw adam sandler's latest flick,'I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry' and it was hilarious!one of his best movie,really,and if you don't see this movie you're a total jerk...
Posted by
Sam vs the World
10:48 pm
i don't have enough rest.not enough sleep.and i don't have my day off this week.
i woke up very early to commit to work,and when i got off from work,i spent my time with marlia,which was just a couple of hours and when i reached my crib every night,it was late and i've to do my laundry with excuse that i don't want the basket to pile high up and i strained my eyes surfing the net and by then,when i hit the sack,it was way too late.
i went home awhile earlier on,and weighed myself,hey!i lost weight.but then i'm not that happy,just a lil worried.coz i've been worrying too much of what food i wanna eat everyday at work,and if it persists,i might have complications in future,i don't know,i hope not.and in about a week,it's gonna be the start of ramadan,and that's when all muslims will have to fast.i just love the atmosphere when we gather at the table feasting the variety of food on the table during the break of fast every sundown,and how we forced ourselves and reluctantly chewing the food before sunrise.i just can't's gonna be fun.
my feet itch to skate.been days now.but due to the school break and there are tons of work to do,however deter me from skating,ahh....
and btw digital hardcore dj alec empire of atari teenage riot,is coming to dxo....
isn't it too late,sam?
Posted by
Sam vs the World
1:17 am
i'm still down wit flu,only this time round,it's worsening.
as i travel on the scoot,drips of flu oozed out and swept my lips,it's really irritatingly uncomfortable.
and i'm runnin' out of tissues,and well,hmm,i've gotta use all the imaginable parts of my t-shirt.
good God,i was well yesterday,and when i thought i've recovered it came back hittin me hard.
all due to the hot weather earlier and i was real tempted and like a child,i jumped into the pool,and yes,it cool me down and YES,i was punished again.
i deserved it.
so,after work,me and marlia rode to biggin's hill for hairi's post birthday party,another rare opportunity,of meeting up with cousins boboi and yati,adil and hairi of course.had wings,'hotak-hotak',sate and of course the birthday cake.i enjoyed the food and the company.
but the fun never ends....
was at tampines,was about to enter a mart when i saw the liverpool vs derby game on the plasma screen at the coffeeshop opposite and was just playing second half,we sat,i ordered a hot chrysanthemum tea and hey,it was one hell of a trashing against derby.
6 goals...superb,it was worth celebrating,how i wish i was there...
but being at the coffeeshop was as good as being there in anfield,those 'ah peks' in shorts and branding gold bars on wrists and necks,with 3 or 4 handphones on the tables were all mysteriously however,liverpool fans without jerseys.
they shouted top of their lungs,uproariously hurling hands onto the air each time liverpool scored,and being a first timer at the coffeeshop,i don't feel like a stranger no more.we had common passion,believe me,i was at anfield,at least that's how i felt.and it wouldn't be the same if you're witnessing it live on your couch at home,it was totally a different atmosphere to join those reds 'ah peks and ah laus.'
totally incredible!
You Never Watch Alone!
Viva La Liverpool!
Posted by
Sam vs the World
1:16 am