Thursday, 6 September 2007

Underwater Love


i don't have enough rest.not enough sleep.and i don't have my day off this week.
i woke up very early to commit to work,and when i got off from work,i spent my time with marlia,which was just a couple of hours and when i reached my crib every night,it was late and i've to do my laundry with excuse that i don't want the basket to pile high up and i strained my eyes surfing the net and by then,when i hit the sack,it was way too late.

i went home awhile earlier on,and weighed myself,hey!i lost weight.but then i'm not that happy,just a lil worried.coz i've been worrying too much of what food i wanna eat everyday at work,and if it persists,i might have complications in future,i don't know,i hope not.and in about a week,it's gonna be the start of ramadan,and that's when all muslims will have to fast.i just love the atmosphere when we gather at the table feasting the variety of food on the table during the break of fast every sundown,and how we forced ourselves and reluctantly chewing the food before sunrise.i just can't's gonna be fun.

my feet itch to skate.been days now.but due to the school break and there are tons of work to do,however deter me from skating,ahh....

and btw digital hardcore dj alec empire of atari teenage riot,is coming to dxo....
isn't it too late,sam?

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