Rapper's Delight
the four of us cruised on our urethane wheels at the heart of the city's curb and streets along boat quay's riverside at midnight which ended up at the same old raffles place station where we sweat and practised our hearts out.
i'm still stucked on bloody kickflips but getting and mastering the trick slowly,trying real hard to perfect the 'tap,drag and kick' technique,concentrating on time,body movements and footing.ain't easy,and focusing on that trick alone enough to dry out my entire energy.but i was happy that i'm progressing yet still need more and more practise.thanx to the tech-skate guru,ogy,and the other two grindkings siku and yanto for the persistent guidance and tips.
practise.another skate trip.well i guess it's gonna be after this remaining 10 nights of ramadan of which muslims are encouraged to perform lots of ibadah as one of the untold night is the blessed night-lailatul qadr.and that skate practise probably it's gonna be after my bangkok trip.so it's gonna be a long tough time for me.

and due to the nature of the game,careful or not,a skater is always prone to accidents,like what happened to Siku last night.
and we didn't hang out for supper,instead we hopped on our scoots and bid farewell to each other.whilst talking to siku on the roadside by his apartment,an old man comfortably relieved himself,sticking his prick in between the parapet grills somewhere on the top floor and his pee rained down the block and landed on the shelter below.luckily we were quite far apart.damn old man.and i thought it was raining.
but the actual rain happened right after i took my shower,after i reached my crib safely,good thang luck was on my side.
the day kicked off with a stumble down the stairway,i was late for work.rushed to work and sneaked into the office,my boss was on course,i was lucky again.did some stuff and during lunchtime,i took the liberty taking my bike to the workshop again,something ain't working right with the temperature.and my instincts was right,the water pump had stopped functioning.i wasn't feeling lucky no more.even the seat cables were faulty,and it cost me $245 for both of that.but it's alright,it might even affect other parts of the machine if i've neglected,and will cost more,but still.....

ah yen doing what he does best for my ride.
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