Thursday, 25 December 2008

A Number Of Microphones-Propellerheads

it's damn and i'm at work's been raining real bad this past few days.the temperature yesterday was 26 degrees,cold-especially when cornered with sudden gusts of wind blow-felt like being pierced through with cold icy knives.anyway i'm being overly exaggerating-rather quiet here in my workplace,everybody probably still in their bed snuggling comfortably,while i'm here *sob* at work.

a new hope

2009 is drawing near,and there's so much things to do.we've gotta make preparations for the countdown party,i gotta introduce a meticulous planning-with the 'big day' only about 6 months away-oooooo-and that's my countdown.its gonna be insane,i guess.

shame-shame SG fans

the match between Singapore and Vietnam was disappointing,and i'm not talking about the actual fight on the pitch,it's just those sore losers who so call themselves 'fans' whom after the match provoked fellow vietnamese fans;hurling vulgarities,obscene fingers and plastic bottles;which is totally unnecessary,totally unprofessional-embarassingly,singapore.that is a totally misplaced patriotism-oh please,don't call that patriotism at all-shame on you guys!

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