What's Up Doc?(Can We Rock?)-Fu-Schnickens
i was kickin' back in the office-the desk was strewn with heaps of God-Knows-What stuffs,i made no effort to restore order but instead i just push everything aside to make a lil space for me to fill up my leave form.2009 and this is the year,in months from now i am making history-a new chapter in my life to be legally married and end my bachelorhood.i wonder how its gonna feel like?to have somebody waiting at home after a long day at work,and i won't be able to crash at my workplace whenever i feel like,and i won't be able to do stuffs my own ways-i've to share not only my stuffs that i love most,but every single thing that i own with my beloved someone-not only to her-but her entire family and that doesn't stop there.and that's the magic in marriage-it comes in a package-and i've gotta make sure i'll 'go-with-the-flow',and the most important thing is to treat & guide my future bride lovingly and heading on a right path-in both good or bad times.and already it look and feel like a fairy tale.Ooh!there were 5 pieces of leave forms that i filled up,my bad handwriting-it was hard enough for me to understand my own writings at most times,i just hope my boss knows what i scribbled.i had to clear my 2007 leave as well-so i exercised the liberty and grabbed the opportunity to enjoy myself from mid april all the way to the end of it-i'm FREE as a bird.i thought of goin places across Malaya,through Siam,Cambodia,Vietnam,Laos...OOOpss my mind froze-i'm on a very TIGHT budget here-or else i won't see the big day in July,but what if i could squeeze some,maybe i could raise some fund,but maybe it won't work out at all.so let's drop that idea.but it could be fun..i've gotta think of that something..
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