Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Funkytown-Lipps Inc

the rain deterred me from sending my lovely wife to work earlier this morning,it was raining real heavy that i had to quit my intention of riding in the rain,got back home,made meself comfortable on the floor and dozed off for about two hours.
by then it was perfectly alright,the pour subsided,put on my globe jacket and hit the road,feeling the after rain taste together with the cold wind blowing in my face and reached my destination where i filled up the application form for renewal of passport,stuck my recent photo onto it,stapled together the receipt and slot in the box,oh how easy,no more long queues,no hassle,just straightforward method and boom baam i'm done,and another 3 working days till they send me a snail mail,and time for collection soon.

i got to the workshop a lil while,just to check my vespa,and i got back ebok's place for lunch with valencia vs almeria re run on the tube.dashed to work and only to find out that my mudguard is all painted and ready for installation,so i jumped onto Debbie my X9 scooter and rushed back to the workshop,only this time round the old tech had this stunned looked on his face,i had to apologised but he was too quick to smile,so i left it all to him,and as i glanced Bella was good to go,only some dark oil patches smearing the body,hey it's alright!

tomorrow my day off,i'm going back to the workshop to claim what is mine,and ride the city streets once again!

Let It Buck!

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