we had fun,though we were drenched in the rain midway through,in our journey back to Ebok's place for mee birthday and chicken wings,a perfect hot lunch accompanied by the hosts and bad ass cat lingering below the table,awaiting opportunity to strike for bits of flesh,but the invitation was strictly for guests only.
we rode to Bishan 2 hours later-i officially made several nominations for rightful ownership of my CPF funds,just in case if i live short enough to see this world,and following that a cool Shrek in 3D,and there weren't much folks in that theatre and hence there were hardly any unwanted noises or irritating movements-i just love that,and that movie was as fantastic;now we're looking forward to the soon to be released new Toy Story flick-To Infinity & Beyond!
i'm supposed to get myself a pair of new running trainers,but the ones that we've seen earlier were not of my choice-either too plain,uninteresting details or colour,or way too costly.i did not test on comfort-i just browsed.
but there's only one which caught my eyes,but there's no urgency,so i got plenty of time to checkout the trainers elsewhere.
and after a long time,i actually got myself sweaty again,this time me & nazir brought along our other halves,and we had a good time scaling the boulders,though it actually cost a bit-$12 per person and $5 for rental of the rockwall shoes,but nevertheless we had good time,and looking forward to the next session,which we all thought will be good if we could keep up and practice,spending good times climbing once a week or fortnightly.Climb On!
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