"You know the day destroys the night,
Night divides the day.
Tried to run,
Tried to hide.
Break on through to the other side.
Break on through to the other side.
Break on through to the other side, yeah!"
as Tony said,"never too old to skate,never too young to start!"
but still there are consequences if ain't careful enough,
"Bones Break,Bones Heal,Glory Lasts Forever!"
and then come the pigs!!!!!!who gives a shit!
we went down to skate few nights back,were forced to skate at raffles place as the lights at skate park were shut.we then went down to alexandra skate park,near uncle eddie's joint,the park was smaller,quite secluded and if not of sid's fall,and the cops come bothering us,we would have skate till morning,a bit exaggerating,but hell yes,we would..
its not that i'm lazy but yes its been awhile since i last updated my blog.
due to the school holidays and the heavy amount of users tapping to the same free network at my pad,i couldn't log on the net,leaving me totally disconnected entirely.i could however use the pc back in the office,but with the loads of work everyday,i have no chance as well.home?well that's another story altogether,i'm rarely present at home,unless on my day offs or whenever ebok cooked nice meals or on those nights when there are liverpool live matches shown on the tube.
oh i forgot to mention,i couldn't update my blog at home as well,for some reason,everytime i tried to click the 'publish post' button,an error msg will appear and hence narrowed my chance of unleashing and publishing my thoughts.
i'm now,in the midst of a wedding reception,held here in the ballroom of my workplace,i'm juggling of both djing and typing this,using a colleague's laptop,which concurrently having another program responsibly running the moving head lights shining on the pelamin.the aroma of spicy nasi beryani filling the air;i'm SO hungry now as i missed breakfast this morning and SO tempted of going over the buffet table now,oooooooh.my wish.
awaiting for the groom to arrive now,poor bride seated and waiting patiently in her white gown while hundreds and hundreds of eyes watching her as they have their lovely meals on their tables.
God,i'm really hungry now,i wonder what ebok cooked back at home.
gotta go back later this evening,liverpool playing against reading at midnite,have a good meal,first class seat by the tv,and keropoks to go along later,i just can't wait for that to happen.tomorrow i gotta attend another wedding reception at orchid country club and this time round,i am not working behind the console,i am there to fill my tummy and enjoy myself at a friend's wedding with the company of long lost friends.cool.
on monday,tuesday and wednesday i won't be at work.3 days for me to rest and do whatever i feel like to.its gonna be fun,only on monday it's gonna be a very long day for me and marlia for we're gonna be at hdb hub to apply and bid for our home.whoo.a quarter of my life i independently crash at army bunks,a funky mascot container and a 2 storey chalet,and the thought of me having a place i could call,hmm,my home,legitimately,really excites me.it's gonna really be fun!REAL FUN!don't have to worry no more about washing the laundry,a proper bed,clean toilet,a place to cook and all the good things that a house should have,including a room to store and display all my toys!whoo hoo!
but i'm REALLY SO HUNGRY now...i really couldn't concentrate.i could feel my intestines contracting,strange gases building up within,i feel like...i feel like breaking wind.
well rested.slept about 11hrs last night,and was even late for work,damn alarm clock ain't working again.and you know when you sleep for long hours you'll wake up in a totally fresh but however in a weak form;groggy state,aching bones and dehydrated throat.
celebrated liverpool's victory at st james park yesterday leaving newcastle a big 0!Reds wonderboys stevie g,kuyt and ryan babel were the heroes last night though i only managed to watch the match on the second half at some tampines coffeeshop with marlia.Viva La Reds!
marlia bought me a new phone,traded my n73 with a 6500,it's smaller than my previous one,but i just gotta part with that phone as most times i could not listen to the caller's voice upon receiving a call or vice versa.so it's gdbye n73 and hello 6500!
happy wet school holidays and yes it's back again.
and happy monday,as always it's as shitty as every other mondays. and bet you don't have a clue how i've to go through hell everytime the kids celebrate their freedom here,and they come in big groups.
so the school holidays programme is up and running right now,and that doubled my jobscope,plus there are so many events coming and i've gotta stay in shape.i've been sick recently and that really screwed up my focus on things.
so i spent my time with the company of loved ones and cousins at Shahreil aka Boboi at his wedding yesterday,and it was fantastic;i always have a thing for chandeliers,and the decor team put up real nice taste,hanging it by the pelamin.so the entire day,i was talking to relatives and friends,and hanging out with lil cuzzies's kids involved in some serious multiplayer grand theft auto vice city game.small kids with dangerously big boy's bad habits.
and of course,i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Shahreil and Yati!Alhamdulillah,after the long wait,you guys are finally wedded together.
took half day today-sneaky sneak outta office and practically out the whole day.went to Sunrise and meet up with Yanto Tego and Haji Ogy,they got their bike fixed,i just hang and took shade,it was so damn hot earlier.we then twisted our throttles and hopped to 'Kedai Auntie',where Ogy replaced his seat cover and plate,we then pit-stopped at beach rd food centre and stop by Altrex-Yanto got his bamboo deck,Ogy and myself got a tee each,Tony is such a joker.
We braved the afternoon heat and and tagged Yanto to STA at sin ming where he got his bike inspected,we dodged that ROV cop who was waiting,and before he stopped any of us,we darted out as quick as biker mice from mars.we then went up to margaret drive,to uncle eddie's skateshop,yanto got sneakers,i struck conversation with auntie and picked up a free mag.
after a confusing search for atm teller around that area,we sat,had green tea in midst of a dilapidated theatre and an old school mart.
i head back mo kio with yanto and poor yana with a big haversack and a green board sticking out of it,we split at some junction,i rushed back home and very quickly made a dash to paris where i grabbed my deck and fetched marlia at her workplace.
the skies been unforgiving.yes it's the rainy season again,and it seems forever.
it's been a real terror for me especially when i'm riding on my two-wheeler on the road and i don't own a proper raincoat,and maybe it's due time that i invest on it.with or without one,i still have to brave the slippery tar and the shivering cold.
i left my bike at home on saturday morning,felt quite frustrated when i woke up and it was pouring like mad with thunder and lightning racing at the break of dawn.which left me with no choice but to leave the scoot and commute by public transport.
dangerous and i don't want to risk my ass.
it's monday and i'm all alone in the office,the rest of my colleagues have all rushed back home, arming themselves with brollies on this shady unglamorous monday evening and yes its drizzling outside.
i sneaked out earlier,went to pay up my insurance + road tax=$299.38. nothing is cheap nowadays whether we like it or not.
i've been slained at work.real tiring.i'm all weak.
the year end programmes and multiple events day in,day out.
right when i came back from bangkok till today.
but i gotta stay positive,i'm all good.
i lost weight.i am 69kilos today.was 78,the one month fasting month ordeal and the less food intake at work are the most probable factors i lose em kilos.i didn't notice it myself,till so many people kept saying and that bugged me a bit,i decided to weigh myself.hell yeah,they were absoulutely right.
daily bombardments of mental and physical stress led to my struggle to sleep every night too.
so damn busy,i'm missing out so many good things in life.how i miss watching movies;yellow butter popcorns and the big screen.but eversince they introduced and posted free movies online and with the time constraint,i gotta admit,i quite enjoy watching movies with all the comfort i can find at home.
watched 'American Gangster' last week at home with my sis,and sure that movie kick Real ass. don't think they'll release it here at cinemas near you,even if they do,gonna be plenty deleted scenes.denzel washington and russel crowe,they sure fit in that flick.
liverpool fc?yeah,like their last 2 games formation;powerful and energetic,like that speed.keep it up Reds!!!!
after months of rushing after work every tuesday evenings,twisting the throttle during the peak hour traffic to reach the class on time,me and marlia finally have completed the 'basic knowledge in Islam' conducted by Ustad Bani Ali at Darul Arqam.and despite our busy schedule,we've never failed to attend every single class.the class was conducted in english,and was actually intended to guide those who wants to embrace Islam,but there were quite a handful of born muslims as well who like me,attended the class as a 'refresher course.'there's a japanese,a thai,a polish guy(who asked difficult questions) and few chinese who were in the class.nevertheless we were all there to gain knowledge about Islam,and Ustad Bani was one of the best teacher that i've ever met.
and one of which he said,that it's not appropriate to use the term 'convert' to those who choose Islam as their new religion,the more likely word is 'reconcile' or 'embrace.'and reconciliation of Islam,not only apply to those new muslims,but those born muslims as well,as often without realising we tend to neglect our submission to God and therefore needs to 'reconcile' again.and Islam is not about terror as what the media hyped about,we're supposed to be detached from materialism and live in harmony and peace but the world today is totally the opposite,which mark the dawn of the end of time.
now i'm waiting for the next Sirah course which will commence soon.
been some time i last keyed words here.even the keyboard is dusty.
since i got back from bustling bangkok,i was really tormented at work.
bangkok,don't ask about the streets,still busy as hell.but after about seven years last i set foot there,i was quite amazed with the advanced shopping centres that they have today;they got plasmas on marble floors,huge aquariums at their food courts,music entertaining everybody as you walk at the streets around siam square,drag you shoes without fear of stepping onto puddles on the skywalk with shelter from the heat,way cool,salute to modern bangkok.
i didn't have time to move about,didn't got the chance to pop by khao san,didn't catch a tuk tuk to the weekend market but i manage to shop till i drop at the platinum shopping centre,and oh boy,that was one helluva shopping paradise,aircon,spacious walk space and good bargain.damn.
the week long course that i attended was proven beneficial and fruitful,met lotsa new friends from all over countries across the globe,and i didn't know i was a balloon delegate representing lioncity and sure felt a lil bit awkward. the balloons that i've learnt there,in simple words-magic.could turn balloons into wonders that i've never really thought of.
and as soon as i got back to work,like i said earlier,i was tormented,yeah the year-end activities are back,and so the work multiplied,and i felt really ill the other day and i didn't have time to visit the doctor.
now i am well,up and about and feel as strong as superman.
and thinking of going back to bangkok to get those wicked Vision sneakers and boards,yeah,probably after the holidays......
i walked past an old man,who's resting,taking shade by the trees,
"Hi Uncle!"and smiled as i past by him.
"Harlow!haha,lu mau pegi mana?pegi keje ahh??cho kang ahh??"he asked.
"Ya!"i answered.
"WAHH!!lu punya 'new year' sula mau latang ahh,hari anam ah??"
"Ya Lah uncle."i replied
"Lu tak ala balik kampung ah?"he asked me again.
"kampung?tak ada lah uncle."i frowned a bit.
"haaiyaa,lu tak ala balik kampung,itu 'BATAM' sana ahh?"
"HaHAha,takde lah..."i laughed.i must have looked like someone from Batam,or maybe to his eyes someone who frequents Batam.what a joke.he's stereotyping,what an ass.or maybe he's not,maybe i'm over reacting,oh well,whatever.
yes.we can feel it in us now.the big day is drawing near.idulfitri is just around the corner.and that means the holy fasting month is almost done,kinda sad actually.anyway,everybody's busy right now,preparing for idulfitri,rushing to decorate em homes,making cakes and stuffs,shopping for clothes and all that,and due to that,all roads leading to geylang serai is heavily jam-packed with traffic.good news i own a maxi-scoot.
just an advise,when you're on the road ride safely,and checkout the cool vid below!
as soon as i forced my eyes open at noon earlier,i was caught by suprised with the heavy rain pouring outside.
it was cold.i had to drag my bones down the stairwell and had a long lazy shower,peeling my eyes open,hot shower raining down my face.
at work.8 of us.8 strong,very cooperative crew.and we finished up a mega international salsa event setup which was scheduled to complete within this week,but we've executed it in 8hrs.
now i can breathe-free.muscles are in pain,bones rattling again and my eyes,ahh my eyes,they're always droopy,begging me to fall asleep.i'm tired but i can't shut my eyes.no alarm,it's a norm.
i've just done with the mountain-high laundry,handwashed it,piece by piece,and it's still drizzling outside.i thought of my scoot,stationary and wet,out in the rain,under the huge tree at the quiet deserted carpark.
we counting down with our fingers now,days to idulfitri.i was released from hectic work for the break starting this friday,and on the 3rd day of idulfitri,i'm leaving to siam.reluctant however to part especially during this festive season when folks meeting and visiting each other,enjoying each other's company,enoying the food and cakes,and i've to be in bangkok attending the balloon workshop(why must it be there????),where i'm gonna starve myself again,where good halal food is rare and scarce.ahhhhhhhh.i think i'm gonna go for fruit diet,or turn vegan for a week there.i think i'm gonna puke all over again.damn.
we skate last midnight again.it felt so good to be with fellow gringos.felt so good when the plank hit my shin twice,it felt so good when i tripped and my palm landed on a steel skatestopper.felt so good it hurts and swell twice as bad.it's all good. and it's even more shockingly suprising being stopped by fellow policemen when we stepped out of 7-11 on foot,with beverages that we've bought with our hard-earned cash.nice work officers!so free to stop friendly thirsty boys and thanks for the tip of NOT skating where there are security guys guarding building premises!did we broke anything,and as far i knew,there weren't anybody around,it's early monday morning in the big quiet city.nice country,ain't it?
angels with dirty faces.capitol crew.midnight in raffles place.
from left;Shaun,Adil Hosoi,Pogi Ogy,Sam as himself,Yanto & Sicko Siku.
today the heat was REALLY unbearable.it's probably the most hottest day in my entire life.
we were at tampines millenium court at about 9am and already the scorching heat stinging our naked exposed flesh,and even working barebodied,it doesn't really help much.it penetrated through the shelter,every shade,every nook and cranny,we can't escape.there was little or no wind at all,today was really,to put it simple-a test. out of 8 of us,only me and k-fad were fasting,the rest liberally washed down their dry-as-the-desert throats with sodas and when they were doing that,it however looked like a commercial advertisement,oh boy,that was really a test!and if i was weak,i would have been dragged down as well,God have mercy on us!
the weather has been a killer lately,good if you're on holiday on some sunny isle sipping those lil cocktail glasses with lil umbrellas in it,but when you're working your ass out and you're fasting,that's really tough.
and for a moment,i was a lil envious of those guys who worked in the office with the comfort of soft armchairs and aircon to cool off when they have plenty of assignments and meetings to meet and don't have to face the sun a bit.
but still,some of those guys,fail to fast,and i wonder why,well......
we were working,when an elderly malay guy,neat and well groomed,approached us and said he didn't have access to the store where the powerpoints were,and as he walked past,k-fad signalled to me,that dude was smoking.my God,i know it's none of my biz,but hey,why isn't he fasting?he looked like some guy who worked behind a table in an air conditioned office but then he ain't fasting,and he's no lil boy.he's a big man,who probably got grandsons already,i felt kinda sorry for him.damn.
good thang tomorrow we don't have to be there in the am,just be there to bring back all our stuffs in the evening,after we break our fast,and by then i could be gulping sodas down my throat.
it was golden bright outside,the sun is glistening and i know i didn't have much sleep earlier. it's almost 8am as i typed this but i'm up and ready to start the day.
i watched 'Supersized Me',about a dude who went McCrazy and went on a 30 days McDonald's diet;he puts on extra fats and endangering his liver and other parts of his body as he progressed daily during the month.lotsa exciting,twisting and complicating interesting facts about Mcdonald's and all other fast food restaurants.-don't eat fast food!-
then i watched 'Shoot Em Up',oh boy,and this movie is obviously for those who seeks overly hardcore extreme violent action,yup.for those who digs John Woo or Tarantino,well this is your kinda flick,but somehow crappy.but however i enjoyed it,about this dude Smith,who saved a baby but lost the mom(he separated mom and baby by shooting the umbilical cord!),went around shooting spree,always armed with a carrot,(seriously i think this movie is Looney tunes,he even muttered 'what's up doc' in one of the segment)but checkout the movie vulgar display of firepower and action,a sandwich between Rajnikanth explosive actions and Jackie Chan moves.pretty damaging!
one would have mistaken him for The Punisher,but heck that movie suxx,bigtime..
the four of us cruised on our urethane wheels at the heart of the city's curb and streets along boat quay's riverside at midnight which ended up at the same old raffles place station where we sweat and practised our hearts out.
i'm still stucked on bloody kickflips but getting and mastering the trick slowly,trying real hard to perfect the 'tap,drag and kick' technique,concentrating on time,body movements and footing.ain't easy,and focusing on that trick alone enough to dry out my entire energy.but i was happy that i'm progressing yet still need more and more practise.thanx to the tech-skate guru,ogy,and the other two grindkings siku and yanto for the persistent guidance and tips.
practise.another skate trip.well i guess it's gonna be after this remaining 10 nights of ramadan of which muslims are encouraged to perform lots of ibadah as one of the untold night is the blessed night-lailatul qadr.and that skate practise probably it's gonna be after my bangkok trip.so it's gonna be a long tough time for me.
and due to the nature of the game,careful or not,a skater is always prone to accidents,like what happened to Siku last night.
and we didn't hang out for supper,instead we hopped on our scoots and bid farewell to each other.whilst talking to siku on the roadside by his apartment,an old man comfortably relieved himself,sticking his prick in between the parapet grills somewhere on the top floor and his pee rained down the block and landed on the shelter below.luckily we were quite far apart.damn old man.and i thought it was raining.
but the actual rain happened right after i took my shower,after i reached my crib safely,good thang luck was on my side.
the day kicked off with a stumble down the stairway,i was late for work.rushed to work and sneaked into the office,my boss was on course,i was lucky again.did some stuff and during lunchtime,i took the liberty taking my bike to the workshop again,something ain't working right with the temperature.and my instincts was right,the water pump had stopped functioning.i wasn't feeling lucky no more.even the seat cables were faulty,and it cost me $245 for both of that.but it's alright,it might even affect other parts of the machine if i've neglected,and will cost more,but still.....
blue monday.just like the song. we worked overnight in the wee hours and completed a backaching setup. reported to work later then usual,almost 5pm to clear and submit all dued paperworks.
i swear i could have left the office earlier if not of my,hmm,dear boss.
i wished i had earplugs. but i guess i have to be more patient and that's why God gave us a pair of ears and not a pair of mouths,or else....
all eyes on myanmar now,and poor country in a pretty bad shape today,resulting in severe harm to citizens and monks especially:why the need of violence?
and the thought of it,my balloon workshop trip at bangkok from the 15th to 20th of september,and on the 19th,is the country's one year coup d' etat anniversary.scary ain't it.i just hope my stay would be happy not otherwise.
i've got my front tyre replaced which cost me $85.
i've sent my scoot for inspection which cost me $18.
treated myself to t-shirts,stickers and miscellaneous items at uncle eddie's which sum up to $70.(oh i forgot to mention Big-sized stickers,ahh what an excuse..)
from pasir ris to kallang to ang mo kio to sin ming to margaret drive and back to pasir ris already cost about half a tank of petrol which is about $9.
i am still stuck here in my crib.supposed to be home by now.but i am so lazy to ride back to Mo kio.i wasn't feeling that well,ahh,again.last night,i had that flu again(oh darn,when izzit gonna be fully recovered??)and as we skate last night,i packed myself with tissues and Vicks inhaler,i smoked a lot and honestly the soup which we had for sahur at botanic,i didn't even realise how it tasted like.and then it was pouring like mad,got drenched and cold,and i had to ride real slow,got my windbreakers on but my knees were exposed and sure it was a long hard ride home.
and now i got this chesty coughs.and the phlegms,they were like really,ooey,gooeey,thick and irritating and they glow-in-the dark.
nope that's not the latest fashion.and certainly one won't put that on in the office during a meeting.looking dumb and foolish,with a cold chupa chups 'crown',well,that is me.
that is me.positive. no i am not trying to be funny or trying hard to 'act cute',but well,that is certainly me,myself and i.
and the best thing is,the people i work with are pure shiny happy people.and we do our job well.so,no matter what we do,so as long we work within our boundary,treating everybody with equal respect,meeting deadlines,so on and so forth,the bosses or anybody else WON'T diss us.
i'm just being me.
and for being myself,i bumped onto a young lady at my workplace years back.and honestly,the first time when i laid my eyes on her,i instantly disliked her.for no reasons.and to be frank,nobody liked my character and attitude as well,for whatever reasons.maybe it's because of my outrightness,or the color of my blonde hair before,the clothes that i wore,my approach?i don't know.
but as time past,i got pretty close with this lady,we hung out and got into serious relationship and she got hooked to my misadventures as well;from fishing dangerously at a remote wooden jetty in Ubin,unequipped Ledang hiking,lost in Bali,alarming separation at Vietnam/Cambodia border customs,rented motorbike's tyre burst in phuket,snorkelling at shark bay in phi phi and plenty other scary and fun experiences that we went through together,in both thick and thin,good times and bad times.and i must say,that with so many people that i've known,nobody is equivalent to her;being very loving,very understanding,very patient and very angelic as well.coz i know,no one could tolerate my stubborn temperamental behaviour,but she however managed to shape and mould me into a better man with a twist of crazy colorful adventures.
and today she turned a year older.and to this special person,i wish a Happy Birthday,wishing and praying for her good health,everlasting big love,hugs,happiness and hope that we'll be together forever ever and ever.
Happy Birthday Nur Marlia aka Minerva Marlia Pok!!!!!!!
ahh...time really flies super fast,seems like a blink,and its almost the end of the year again.(the end of the world is imminent.)
it seems like only yesterday everbody chanting Auld Lang Syne in harmony,and now we're about two months away,closing the hectic year again.
wow!that's fast.
my scoot is almost three years old in about a month time,and the next couple of days,i've to make arrangement for her first vehicle inspection.three years already?
wow!that's fast.
gotta replace the front tyre first,then i proceed to sin ming,where i choose to have my scoot inspected.yeah a bit nervous to undergo the inspection,coz my air filter makes a loud noise and the pipe pops every now and then,other than that i believe it's all ok,it's all good.
*POOOOOOT*oops i just popped gas.i farted.every now and then too.occasionally,like in a meeting or in the office,i've tried very hard not to break wind,and when i do,my tummy hurts.even my ebok would scream at me when i poooot at home.i can't help it,like i said,when i tried,i got sick.
my farts,almost 90% odorless,but of course depending of what food i consume,no,don't shut your nostrils,i don't eat egg.yes,most of people whom i knew who eat eggs every morning,will have the worst nauseating smell,God forgive em'.
my farts,odorless,harmless but a bit audibly loud.cool eh?no please don't try it at home,ok?
rude you might say,but i've read somewhere,that farting,is actually a good indication that the bowels are in working condition and our body system need to release gas,and by farting,we release em'.
now get the Fart out!!!!!! *POOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT*
it was a very long day.they said the temperature was 33 degrees.i dared not removed my shades.Good God protected me the whole day,the whole while,as i stood by the console,and braving the unforgiving heat handling the family day event earlier.
i swallowed too much saliva,coz my throat was really dry,i could feel the unbearable pinch,on my neck,on my cheeks.but i was calm,like john wayne without a saddle and a gun.but i swear i could have fainted.
at the end of the day,as i knocked off from work,i walked.and as i walked,i could hear my bones rattling,i'm losing strength,it was 4.30pm and the sun was strongly shining still,rays seeping through the leafy trees at the park,i dragged myself.
took a long cold shower,i can't stretch my eyes wide,washed my pile of filthy clothes,and then climbed up the stairs (how i'd wish there's an escalator)and collapsed on the carpet.i was knocked unconscious,well semi-unconscious.coz the bloody phone kept ringing and vibrating kept me up.
was supposed to meet up with adleene,ebok and ayah,but i couldn't join em,marlia was hold back at work,and by sunset,i had a mug of brown rice soymilk and 4 biscuits.yes 4. i was totally burnout,but i wasn't hungry.i was dehydrated.
but what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.and same applies to all who believe as well.
Jetset to the moon,packed myself some banana sandwiches and gatorade, halfway across the skies and already i could feel less weight. left the sunny isle for greyish rocks,dark horizons and pretty blank space. will they welcome my arrival,or shoot my ship down to a fiery blaze?
have i had too much of everything?all the disturbing scenes and sins, wars,killings,murders and snatch-thieves? no portion of the grass is greener no more,or which side of the politics should i believe? i stand corrected,correcting corrections,no more in stimulations,now breathing in my spacesuit,uncomfortably yet h-a-p-p-y,and that you can't snatch that away from me. in my own phase,my own space,my way,taste my own tears runnin down my face, click.click.click. click.click.click. click.click.click. gdbye earth.hello spaceboy. don't tell me,don't ask,don't try,don't.plz.
it was a very sunny thursday,kept my cool,with my old von zipper shades,the scorching heat burns every single thing on this part of the earth,good thang i wore my australian military shorts,but the seven of us weren't wearing our t-shirts anyway as we toiled together,clearing the platforms and suprisingly we managed to clear em up in only 3 hours.
me boss trap never shuts,like 7-11,nagging,how i wish i don't have to step in the office ever.
anyway,we got our jobs done very early,and after a deal with my filipino ese,me and k-fad went to break our fast back in our crib;k-fad bought a 1.5 litres bottle of soda and a packet of biscuit,i got meself a glass of honeydew soyamilk,a cup of tea,a pack of biscuits and a japanesey cheese pancake.
honestly,i wasn't hungry,but THIRSTY.and after gobbling down the pancake and a couple of biscuits,swallowed the honeydew soyamilk,i smoked a cigarette and sipped on the lovely hot tea,in the backyard,enjoying the seabreeze and burning sunset amongst the green swaying trees.perfect.
we're started work at 2pm and supposed to end at ten,but by 8.30pm,i'm already with marlia pok on my big black scoot headed towards ikea tampines.*sneaky-sneaky*
monkeys we were like,we laughed and poked fun and took pictures like as if we own that gigantic store. bought few items;
1-a colorful floor rug 2-a red colored ice cube tray 3-a metallic toothbrush holder 4-a couple of pillow cases 5-a red throw(heck i don't even know what it is for)
ooh,and tomorrow we're supposed to break our fast together at nenek's place up in redhill,but marlia couldn't confirm that she could be dismissed from work early,so it's still on a holding pattern but i really wanna go and see nenek and break fast with all my cousins.hmmm.
hope everything's good for everyone with a hope.phat.
and as i type this,alec empire is probably making his way down to DXO already.i'm gonna miss his gig. don't you kai?
i had a lil too much food when i broke fast earlier,and though been hours now but still it's bloated.
and during our meal,ebok told me to see jaapa coz since he underwent surgery i didn't had time to pay him a visit.he was fine,we had nice conversation over tea at casuarina rd and then to a gas station where he had his car washed.he still bugging me to go diving,i just smiled.
alhamdulillah,everything went smooth,although it's a bit tiring back at work,but so far,so good for this early part of ramadan.hungry-no,thirsty-yes,but i stick to drinking about 1 litre of water before the strike of dawn each day,so i am not that dehydrated.so many evils i've to face at work,but i handle and tackle it with patience,yes sometimes i'm angry,but i quickly doused the fire off before it turned to a maniacal flame.
sleepy,i'm always sleepy,as i usually hit the sack pretty late every night,i like to surf the net or if i can't access the network (which what i'm experiencing back at work lately) i'll read a book,or simply just do other things that i love,like drawing cartoons or simply tidying up my stuffs,enjoying quiet moments in private,with only lush fm accompanying me.and since i fell ill the last time,i haven't touch my Psp yet,coz if i do,it's gonna be worse,and i tend to sleep even later than usual,so for the time being i'll give it a rest a lil bit.
but ramadan or no ramadan,work is still work,no excuses.
quite sad when a colleague approached me and asked, "kau puasa,sam?(are you fasting,sam?)
and i replied,"ya,puasa beb."(yes,i am.) "kau tak..?"(and you?)
"tak ah...camne nak puasa,keje berlambak,org dulu dulu bolehlah,tak keje,dorang gi perang,dapat harta,balek kaya raya,mcm kita nie cam maner nak puasa? dulu ustad aku time puasa ajak aku gi kedai kopi,makan bersama,aku tanya dia tak puasa?dia cakap itu urusan dia dgn Tuhan,aku pon join dia lah.." (no..how to fast?there're so many work to do.the older generations could fast,because they fought wars and returned home with treasures and turned rich.so guys like us,how to fast?and once,my teacher brought me to a food centre during fasting month,and when i asked him why he's not fasting,he said it's between him and God,so i joined him having our meals together.."
i was shock..hmm..i didn't wanna engage in a battle with him,but deep in me strongly,somehow i knew that his excuses are blatantly dumb.
my dad did'nt go to war and we're not rich,and so was my grand dad and grandads before him,who probably went to war but i didn't see any points linking or supporting his claim.
and sorry to say this,but i think he got the wrong ustad to guide him.yes,everything is between us and God,but if you're guiding somebody,would you mislead?and being somebody with the title ustad,he's supposed to show a good example,unless of course he's ill and couldn't fast,but i doubt still,coz even an average muslim,will be too embarassed to be eating in the day,at the foodcourt during ramadan,and not even asking a student to tag along.that's wrong.yes,that ain't right.
they made me run around the resort today.and on the last segment,i was attached to this pair of girls,and damn,they sure can run like hell.they are supposed to complete tasks of going around the f&b sneaking for food and pairing last words of each edibles to form another food and eat em' and on the fifth task,they actually have to run across the resort all the way to another resort to climb and complete the rope course which was quite scary so to say.
i am tired,and now i'm hungry..i'm goin home.i can't think anymore and hence i can't type no more.
"home,is where the heart is." and i miss ebok's home-cooked delicacies.i'm outta here...
1-i fell asleep,uncomfortably seated on a hard plastic chair with mouth agape and legs splayed wide open, while attending the p.a.system,exposed or should i say by the stage and in front of so many audience,during a telematch on a family day event earlier this morning.
2-and also,without checking thoroughly the contents of the cd that i played,getting too engrossed with the beat but negligently ruling out the lyrics,one went off with a loud..."BITCH!!!!"...and that was during the same family day,when everybody is attentively listening,of everybody's favourite segment,the grand lucky draw.ooops.
3-on my way back to my crib,i confidently shouted at a friend many times,calling him 'william' instead of bernard.how embarassing.excuse me,am i that old?
4-i stumbled with words many times on the microphone,live on air,during a a gameshow i hosted earlier,i felt dumb.
5-shocked when i reached dhoby ghaut station at 7.45pm,there weren't anyone except for muradikal and hambalism who were clearing their own stuff,leaving me and larry,to dismantle 22 exhibition booths when the event ended at around 5pm.worried,with a mix of angst,the convoy of part timers arrived halfway during the teardown.gulp.
6-as we about to leave,my itchy feet took a stroll,i saw a trolley of seven black barricades stood by the bushes.imagine if i've never took that walk...
7-my younger bro,got a cut above his eyes as he was dismantling the same exhibition panels at fort canning,he got sent to the hospital,got many stitches,shocked many as well,including ebok,who's having asthma attack at home.
8-i got a brush with death as i was returning home,i almost collided with a cab,as i made a careless turn,was my mistake obviously.
tired?too many work?no ample rest?reckless?lucky?unlucky?excuses?reasons?
all work and no play makes jack a dumb boy.(or a dumb robot?)
Thanx to Yanto coz i got a pair of tix to the International Muay Thai Championship held at the indoor stadium earlier this evening.
before i touch on the kickboxing part,i was actually very,very tired.left for work early this morning and we braved the heavy morning peak hour traffic to dhoby ghaut mrt station,cathay theatre and finally fort canning for a major setup.it was tough,REAL tough,especially when i'm fasting and simultaneously i'm sweating badly.thank God,it wasn't sunny,coz it was practically shady,and rained pretty much the whole day.we completed our tasks fast and furiously,and rushed back to pasir ris,where i got ample rest and shower,hit town with marlia,beach rd fd centre where we had the best mee goreng in the world;with chunks of mutton,peas,potatos to sum it all up and it was hot and spicy,just how i liked it.had sugar cane juice and teh halia and boy,i deserved the break,after a long hellish day.and it wasn't over till it's over,coz tomorrow i gotta return back there to dismantle all that we put up.gotta stay strong!
took us less than 10mins,just a 'nicoll highway' away,from beach rd food centre to indoor stadium,and after quite a walk along the dim aisle,we got our seats,dude,those were,almost front seats,it was a good view,those guys who were seated on round tables with wines and big glasses of God knows what they're drinking were the closest to the ringside.
the first time i watched a kickboxing match was at phi phi,the second was at downtowneast d'marquee and this was the third time i caught this,though the one back in phi phi was more of a rough and hardcore match,and what the one at the indoor stadium was more of a milder,stick-to-the-rules kinda match.but it was exciting.the best match was the ladies match,from australia and thailand,and you should've seen that siamese lady boxer,she was stout,and her arms were way bigger than mine,while the australian girl was tall,thin and from a glance,had no chance of beating her opponent,who before the match started took about 10mins going around the ring.and true enough,the australian was beaten.even if an average guy won't stand a chance to beat that siamese boxer.
"tonite!tonite!you see muay thai,you see thailand!" a very common sight and sound of a truck with speakers going around in thailand,promoting muay thai fights.
so do you really think muay thai originated from thailand?nope,i don't really think so....
it was the first day of the holy ramadan.i felt real weak today,my eyes were droppy and i yawned every 30 seconds,the heat from the sun also weakened my strength today,my throat was as dry as a desert,hey,it's just the first day.
i ate with my family back home,i drank a lot of water,damn i was VERY,VERY thirsty.i remembered when i was a child,ebok would roll a ball of rice and after reciting the breaking fast prayers,she would feed me marking the end of a day's fast.i chuckled.and soon after dinner,i crept into the bed and dozed off,i was real tired and when i opened my eyes it was 10.30pm,ebok wanted to packed some lauk and rice but i insisted on keropoks and goreng pisang instead.i told her,i am not going to be hungry,just thirsty.not even cravings to smoke,just thirsty,and tomorrow we goin back down,uphill fort canning,it's gonna be a real challenge.but nothing is gonna break me,that i promise.
i was on my way back to pasir ris,i rode real slow,i was still groggy and at the same time enjoying the night breeze,exited the highway and it was rather quiet with few vehicles on the road zoomed past me,as i made a turn and along this road which is by this huge factory,i jammed break...i almost ran over her,i stopped dead on my track,she just looked and walked without muttering a word.good thing there's no vehicle behind me,i was too shock to say anything,i didn't see her crossing,she was wearing dark clothes,a dark jacket with 'temasek polytechnic' printed on the back and good thing i wasn't speeding,coz if i did,i won't be able to stop on time and that might be the end of either 3 of us.her.me or my scoot.dumb girl,she's so careless.
do you believe in angels? i do.and you should too.
oooh,i got burnt by the scorching heat and now my skin itch.especially on the back,the neck areas and my face.*scratching*
all due to a week,for about 2-3hrs each day at wild wild wet park for the daily water games that we conducted.and also,my flu have not fully recovered and i can't pay a visit to the doctor as there are plenty of work to be done and i can't be dismissed from work.poor me.and my scoot shook my bones everytime i slowed down,got this jerking,vibrating,choking motion when i go less than 50km/h.and left me with no choice,but to send it for repair tommorrow a.m.no off for this week again,sigh,we've to go all out,for the upcoming events this weekend,and also it coincides with ramadan,and hey,i really need all the strength and patience,but i guess i am gonna be alright.
last week i saw adam sandler's latest flick,'I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry' and it was hilarious!one of his best movie,really,and if you don't see this movie you're a total jerk...
i don't have enough rest.not enough sleep.and i don't have my day off this week. i woke up very early to commit to work,and when i got off from work,i spent my time with marlia,which was just a couple of hours and when i reached my crib every night,it was late and i've to do my laundry with excuse that i don't want the basket to pile high up and i strained my eyes surfing the net and by then,when i hit the sack,it was way too late.
i went home awhile earlier on,and weighed myself,hey!i lost weight.but then i'm not that happy,just a lil worried.coz i've been worrying too much of what food i wanna eat everyday at work,and if it persists,i might have complications in future,i don't know,i hope not.and in about a week,it's gonna be the start of ramadan,and that's when all muslims will have to fast.i just love the atmosphere when we gather at the table feasting the variety of food on the table during the break of fast every sundown,and how we forced ourselves and reluctantly chewing the food before sunrise.i just can't wait.it's gonna be fun.
my feet itch to skate.been days now.but due to the school break and there are tons of work to do,however deter me from skating,ahh....
and btw digital hardcore dj alec empire of atari teenage riot,is coming to dxo.... isn't it too late,sam?
i'm still down wit flu,only this time round,it's worsening. as i travel on the scoot,drips of flu oozed out and swept my lips,it's really irritatingly uncomfortable.
and i'm runnin' out of tissues,and well,hmm,i've gotta use all the imaginable parts of my t-shirt.
good God,i was well yesterday,and when i thought i've recovered it came back hittin me hard.
all due to the hot weather earlier and i was real tempted and like a child,i jumped into the pool,and yes,it cool me down and YES,i was punished again.
i deserved it.
so,after work,me and marlia rode to biggin's hill for hairi's post birthday party,another rare opportunity,of meeting up with cousins boboi and yati,adil and hairi of course.had wings,'hotak-hotak',sate and of course the birthday cake.i enjoyed the food and the company.
but the fun never ends....
was at tampines,was about to enter a mart when i saw the liverpool vs derby game on the plasma screen at the coffeeshop opposite and was just playing second half,we sat,i ordered a hot chrysanthemum tea and hey,it was one hell of a trashing against derby.
6 goals...superb,it was worth celebrating,how i wish i was there...
but being at the coffeeshop was as good as being there in anfield,those 'ah peks' in shorts and branding gold bars on wrists and necks,with 3 or 4 handphones on the tables were all mysteriously however,liverpool fans without jerseys.
they shouted top of their lungs,uproariously hurling hands onto the air each time liverpool scored,and being a first timer at the coffeeshop,i don't feel like a stranger no more.we had common passion,believe me,i was at anfield,at least that's how i felt.and it wouldn't be the same if you're witnessing it live on your couch at home,it was totally a different atmosphere to join those reds 'ah peks and ah laus.' totally incredible!
i downloaded the latest version of google earth and boy,isn't it scary? from way beyond the clouds and it can actually zoom close to your roofs.
i downloaded many stuffs as well,and now i have a strong reason to purchase a portable hard disk.the internet is full of information you can't swallow in 24 hours. but yes it's dangerous too.
and how you handle it,its all up to you.
i fell sick due to staying up the whole night,and now my joints are stiff and my body starts to weakened and my throat felt like they're thorns growing and felt really uncomfortable.body temperature rising gradually and yes,i got flu.so that's it,i'm sick.
lack of vitamin c,lack of sleep and lack of water.that's all me.
i went back home earlier,checked out the new room extension by the kitchen,hey it was cool,had my homecooked meal and a short nap in that new room by the kitchen,with the sun rays crept all over my face.ebok gotta clear all the mess,which i believe gonna take a long time.
so i was at ubi to pay my bills and i stopped by the workshop with SO many old scooters.i wasn't buying,just looking,i told the guy who worked there,hey i wish i got one.
where am i goin,what i'm doin? don't matter,does it really care to you? don't you have your own laundry to attend to? will it really pollute your air they way i breathe? my presence take up space so why don't you leave?
one day i'll cut off their tongue. ohh,why are there so many ugly people around?
God Give Us Strength and Patience dealing with inconsiderate idiots.
How ready are we? in our daily lives,every moment we step on the accelerator,everytime we cross a road or each time we take the elevator,how safe are we? safe?luck? how prepared are we?if we were to engage in a freaky accident and Ooo touch wood leads to a freaky death? we don't know when is our expiry date,but when it's due,are we actually prepared?
all our loved ones,all our worldly possesion will be left behind and we'll be left six feet under,in total darkness,in a totally strange world,in cold words,we can't even explain.
but we all knew somehow.and yes its scary.but sadly,sooner or later,you gotta deal with it,we all do,yes.
so when you,me still breathing this stale air,live to the max.treat everbody nice and be kind to every single soul on earth,don't go do anything bad even to yourselves,and please remember no religion teach us to be bad.and if you do something bad,don't call yourself someone who has a religion,don't give it a bad name.and even if you're super devoted pious person,don't look down on those who aren't,coz that won't do any good either,since when a religion is about condemning the weak?its all about love,understand?
remember ian fleming's You Only Live Twice,geddit?
i didn't update my blog,and it's been quite awhile now. i am not lazy. i am not busy. it's just that i couldn't access into the network, and been quite awhile now, finally.
i woke up real late earlier.at around 2pm.coz the night before i did my laundry and i washed my filthy scoot and when i was about to fall asleep later,it started to rain.and when i checked out my scoot earlier,the tyres and the entire underbelly was totally dirty again.hmmm.i left pasir ris and head back home,made a detour to a neighbourhood hairstylist who trimmed my hair and charged me for only $8,probably thinking i was a student with the green backpack that i carried.haha. i got home,ebok already left for her class,ayah was there watching tv and bro amir buried underneath his pillows.i had the best lunch for the week and gobbled lotsa keropoks.lied lazily on the couch and 2 hours later i left to fetch marlia,went downtown bugis where i had wrist watch fixed,my dockers pants altered and had chicken rice for dinner and then later we went to seng choon where marlia bought a psp game and we just walked around sim lim after that,and a short stroll to tong aik where i drooled over the scooter accessories.
i'm in love with scooters now.not the new ones.the classic ones.the ones which appeared slowly and arrived cool at junctions with those "TANG!TANG!TANG!TANG!TANG! loud clattering sound.and i've been eyeing on that thing lately.why?why scooters?why not other speedy bikes?i don't like those fast bikes.i prefer scooters.and i'm planning to get meself one.coz it's so cool.and i like that. so i've asked nice cousin shahreil AKA boboi about it earlier and he's also planning to get one for himself too,and that is gonna be real cool. and to add,those fast bikes are way too expensive,and it aint worth it.
i can't wait to ride on a scooter.
and after those many many nights of sacrificing those beauty sleep,i've finally completed Grand Theft Auto Liberty City.and now,i'm gonna play the Vice City version.
another nite skatin' tomorrow,the eve of national day holiday,i just can't wait.my right knee was a lil swollen the other day,but last nite,after some rubbing and massage,and when i awoke,i felt way better this morning.it was really painful when i tried to bend my knees,but now,i feel good.yes i am growing old,and my knees were probably screaming for help,but the drive from deep inside is really strong.just love the adrenalin rush,the challenge of overcoming obstacles and the company of friends with the same passion and love for curb surfin'.
skate now!
hey check tis one out and the rest of the stop motion vids.way cool.
Long hot shower,a mug of warm chrysanthemum tea and soft sound of Lush on this quiet tuesday morning.with the shadows in the dark amongst the dark trees outside with the leaves rustling creating a peaceful symphony of music.
almost perfect.perfect,after a long tiring day at work.
couple more days to our nation's 42nd birthday,and that means another day of rest,plus my day off on wednesday,and that means i got 2 days off.so it's perfect.
what most of us like about national day,is that we could checkout the awesome fireworks display at marina bay,but after the last experience,i've gotta find another alternative way of watching the fireworks without dodging the heavy traffic and the human jam.it's super massive.there's no space for you to walk and breathe and there's a big possibility i will have difficulties looking for a parking space.so the best,either i watch from afar,or,catch it on tv.both,however,won't have the same feeling or ambience,coz i won't be able to catch the first-hand drama,all the oohs and ahhs,the feel,in short.
when i was a child,what i looked forward to during the national day procession,was of course,the parade of soldiers,with the tanks,vehicles,the chopper lifting the gigantic lioncity's flag,those dudes balancing themselves on the patrol bikes,hey it got me amazed.they sure do put lotsa lotsa effort just for an evening.every year without fail.
so,there are also other events in conjunction with national day this year,and one of it is singfest,which i just happened to know hours ago,a two day concert at fort canning,featuring bands like Sugar ray,MxPx,Gym Class Heroes,Shaggy,Pet Shop Boys,to name some,and the price for one-day pass-$150 or $200 for two days pass.killer.but i think it's well worth spent,but i ain't going.i don't have a plan for now,but i think,i should go someplace peaceful and quiet this national day,coz most of the places downtown will be jam-packed,and i hate that.
so what do i have to say about lioncity? well,besides all the negative things people said,i do love my country.i personally think the government did a good job,like for example,the cleanliness of our motherland and of giving stiff penalties to those who litter and spit,that's good,very good and very Islamic in my point of view.don't you agree?everything is neat and tidy,we have good roads,good transportation,we live and mingle with racial and religion tolerance,and we're safe and secured.at least,not that bad,right?and the list goes on and on.yes the cost of living is high,with the recent rise of GST but still not that bad.most of the people (read:most)are nice and courteous and we got no problem in comunicating with people of different races here,like bargaining at the market for example,though the auntie or uncle can't speak english,we could however speak in a mix of malay or hokkien 'lah'.besides the kiasuism,kiasism all that,this is singapura.and it's definitely not the same as out there.there's no place,like home.for home,is where the heart is.
sunshine.warm and breezy.put my shades and my cap on,and it was me first day back to work after almost a week of absence with missing crowns reason.
but i was caught with series of shocking suprises.
meeting with me bosses and fellow colleagues,of introducing new working system and guidelines,and me and murad have to come up with integrated schedule of upcoming jobs for both internal and external,manpower deployment and delegation of duties,service and support.Whew!
cracked my brains and squeezed every single cells i had earlier,and with the help of abg din,we went through a lot of problems that we were facing and we're trying and in fact still trying of improving this newly introduced merged operations dept.
and though it's kinda hard for the entire afternoon and evening,i reviewed and weighed,that this is a good thing,a good intellectual and physical challenge,and looking forward to all that.hopefully it'll improve things back at work.
i gotta rise at seven tomorrow,we're going to send and erect tentages at skatepark as 'the company' and SSC is organising extreme competition this saturday.i love this,but to bad i can't be around on that day as i gotta stay back at work where my service is needed more.just too bad.
for more information on the Extreme Com this sat,click here.
and another shock i got today,arrived at work,stepped into the office,my boss handed me a form to fill,and how was i suprised,me boss making all the necessary arrangements to send me to Bangkok for 3 days variety courses on balloon art and decorations this coming october.so,if it's really happening,it's gonna be really cool,WHee!!been awhile since the last time got my fingers on those balloons,and quite sure i've forgotten how to twist and turn those rubbery latex balloons into creatures and other cute stuffs kids just love to have.but i'm quite sure it's gonna be an experience and oportunity not to be missed.really looking forward to that.
got the irritating,uncomfortable stitches on me gum removed earlier this afternoon.Dr Evil told to me to make another appointment in future for another tooth extraction,i just nodded reluctantly.
the last day of my 6 days mc,hours to go and i'm back to work.i feel good and recharged,looking forward to go back to work and face all the trouble again.
but i can't sleep now,but my eyes are tired,oh i am in deep shit.
good thang i'm working in the afternoon,so it ain't that bad.
the weather,yes the weather been real bad lately.rain,foggy,dull and unhealthy.i need the sunshine,hopefully tomorrow would be a nice day.
went down to seranggoon north ave 4 earlier,bought more tubes for leene's pet hamster,marlia bought gravel and water plants for her pet fish,and we're both happy.
watched the tube about world's most dangerous drug,it's methamphetamine,or meth in short or in asia it's called yaba,particularly in thailand,Gawd,why must they get into drugs and get their life ruined and all that.scary,coz most of the guys they interviewed got hardcore on that stuff,pretty much broke and desperate to get their hands on that stuff which they either snort,smoke or by injection.and they looked horrible,like zombies,and though they got high,with fake sense of euphoria and confidence,they are still killing 'emselves,ain't it?
i got high too,i got a new Real board earlier today and it cost $76.it's a good bargain and i can't wait to go out for our next session.and pressure shall fall on siddiq...we're all waiting my friend...
its movie marathon monday! as advised by 'dr evil' that i should rest,and so i did.me,ebok and leene,we're going to our neighbouhood town,to cathay at the new AMK hub where we gonna watch the horror siam movie later.we gonna get spooked!
i'm goin to sleep early tonight,i gotta go down to my workshop tomorrow to change my rear wheel,it's so damn bad i skidded the other day.and got so many other things to do as well,so i'm gonna prepare myself,wake up early tomorrow morning and most probably gonna be pretty busy the whole day.
"We're all scared. You hid in that ditch because you think there's still hope. But Blithe, the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. And the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function. Without mercy. Without compassion. Without remorse. All war depends on it."
Lt. Ronald Speirs to Pvt. Blythe Band of Brothers.
i still got few more days to worry about work.OH!this is so perfect,too bad the weather been dull this days,coz it'll look better with sunshine and blue skies in the backdrop,but i ain't complaining,coz this is cool enough.
last night,i was taken from pasir ris back to AMK,where i jumped and dodged flaming planes and flaks at Normandy,stormed and raided Carentan,badly battered during the failure of Operation Market Garden,hiked and defended snowy fields of Bastogne where we were short of supplies and winter clothings,and marched all the way to the end of the war with fascist nazis.i was taken back to the unforgettable adventure with Easy Co,506th Parachute Infantry Regiment,101st Airborne Division.i was taken back once again,glued to the tv in my room,armed with keropok lekor,snacks,ice cream and milk,from 11pm all the way to 8am this morning.it was exciting and fun,to watch The Band Of Brothers once more in a marathon,coz the last time i did that was with Akai back in brisbane years back.and i felt like i was in the war myself,i was so tired at the end of it, i slept throughout the lazy monday afternoon.
the beautiful day started,with a pool of stale blood heavily collected,drooling down my chin and parts of my shirt and a big stain on my pillow,mind still unfunctioning with the morning clumsiness and torpid,i woke up in staggering motion and it hey,it was raining again outside.ooooh!
i felt reborn and so carefree but something felt different. (yeah right!with a big uncomfortable gap with strands of distasteful strings attached on the jellylike gum,well who doesn't?')
anyway,i spent the lovely evening with marlia,a return to the century square's metro where they had 50% and additional 30% crazy sale on various but selected items storewide.got ourselves more toys and more games and head down to delifrance for dinner and i couldn't swallow the whole twirly spaghetti and chicken but i ate every single bread on the table.head down to marlia's G.P. and goddamn we waited for nearly 2 and a half bloody hours for her turn.sent her home,i rushed back to my crib,shoved some pills down my throat and flushed it down with a glass of milk and rinsed with mouthwash.bid goodbye to benjamin,fetched siku mimi at marine crescent and arrived late at capitol.
it was way past midnite,called up tony,said he was at skatepark,zoomed down,the park lights were switched off,tony was nowhere available and the weather was turning against us.we looked at each other worried faces and as group of young skaters board their love van,we decided to turn back to city hall and skate CBD.
parked our scoots,a lil bit of stretching and our wheels started rolling on the damp,rather quiet stretch of pavements of sleepy singapura town.
New Trucks,New Tricks,
New Wheels,New Skills.
New Scheme,New Deal,
Bones Break,Bones Heal.
Old Friends,Old Birds,
New Drive,New Strive,
New Road,New Hope,
New Rush,New Shiver,
And Glory Lasts Forever!
(haha,dumb but i tried..)
after a long day and still i can't sleep,my mind thinking of purchasing tickets to The Cure concert but hmm i just don't know....
by the way,good news to Smashing Pumpkins fans,good to hear that they have reformed their band but bad news no guitarist James Iha and no bassist D'Arcy.*sob*
and the much awaited Icelandic Queen-Byork,made a comeback with new album-Volta.finally,after years,i'm really looking forward to that.
adios amigos,as i type this,it's 7.15am and already bright but yet gloomy and dull with those dark clouds looking like it's gonna pour again anytime.
went out skating with siku mimi last night,he wanted to tried out his new trucks,new tricks scheme while i just wanna distract my mind a lil bit.
got back around 5am,and pretty much didn't sleep the whole morning.forced myself up,rise and shine and all that,got out my crib reluctantly around 2.30pm and damn,it was drizzling.everything look pale and grey,with the rain covering my eyes,i reached my destination,my appointment with 'dr.evil',and it looked too scary to be true.
he inserted a long stick into my mouth and after thorough check,he strongly suggested me to extract 3 tooths.YES 3!! as there were in very much trouble state.as expected,i gave him a thumbs up.very quickly afterwards,he took out a long syringe and sinked it deep in my gums.MY GOD!that was painful.i had countless accidents which led to surgeries of many kinds on variety parts of my body,but when it comes to tooth extraction,that's the one i would really wanna avoid.but this time,there's no escape.so he numbed my gums and briefly explained to me the procedures that he's about to conduct.i swallowed some pills,signed some forms and drank a cup of sweet Milo.soon,he elevated the chair,focused the spotlight,and there he went.i wore an orange goggle and right up ahead was a tv showing some war going on somewhere.a distraction,i supposed,but with the dentist and his assistant shoving and pushing and pulling my tooth,it's hard to be distracted,really.i saw blood on his latex gloves,and all the feary tools he used,however,shrunk my ding dongs.then out of the chaos,i thought of those interrogators who pulled victims' teeth with pliers and no anaesthetic whatsoever,ooooohh...
and after a while,with my eyes partially closed,i saw him pulling a long strand of string and in sewing rhythm,and shortly,it's done.the assistant placed a mirror in front of my face and the dentist showed me the bare end of my mouth.3 in a row,gone in mere 20 mins.
all that for $290,got my pills and mouthwash,plus 6 days mc.ooooh!
hey!and also i've caught simpsons the movie yesterday,it was exciting!!!! ay carumba!
it's important,when you've got an eye condition,it's best not to strain.
but i'm so bored.
i've got a new toy!
so the other day,k-fad bought me a PsP cap at metro tampines closing down sale,and yesterday,after visiting 'dr evil',went down to the centre with marlia,and after much time checking out the crazy sale and the crazy people around,i kinda fell in love with the tomy's ultra mini remote control car.marlia bought me that r/c car which cost only $20.(actual price was $39.95)
and after tossing and turning on bed,i got so damn bored.i can't do nothing except staring at the ceiling and listening to Lush as my visual is partly blurred.
hey dude!i saw the boxed car and like a birthday child,i tore the plastic cover and in a flash,i unleashed the prized car.
got changeable tyres,gears,the remote,and even the body could be swapped.plenty of accessories,cones and stuffs.at first it was kinda tedious to fix this tiny stuff and the japanese totally forgot about translating the manual with english language,but thank goodness there were 'how to fix' step by step in pictures.
after spending about half an hour,i got it sprinting.Haaaa!
and it ain't easy since i got my left eye totally blurry,but salute to Tomy!
i love this,man!totally cool!
yeah,it's smaller than my palm,but hey it's fast,real fast.used 2 AA batteries for the remote,and i just need to charge this fast lil thing around 45seconds on the remote itself,and whoa!go wild!!!
so go and checkout that metro closing down sale at century square tampines!get yourself the same car like mine,and we could go racing some day,eh?
or if not,just go shop till you drop with all the items that are on super sale!!!!
woke up at 9am earlier this morning,i just washed my face and brushed my teeth and had bananas and breads and a glass of milk and followed by the antibiotics,painkillers and that mean green mouthwash which i then gulped down the remaining milk from the glass.
lighted a cigarette,and still in a groggy state,i was enjoying the morning sea breeze and the music from the speakers.head back to my room,buried myself under the pillows and had the bestest sleep.
startled at 2pm,i got up,had my showers and in the light drizzle,i rode to marlia's place and then to haig rd where i got myself measured for my 'baju kurong.'went down bugis where i got my wriswatch fixed and ended up at beach rd for 'no doubt the most delicious mee goreng in the world.'
and since Sunday was so dull with the rain and there's no other place we could think of going,we went back home.
and my left eye was bloodshot red and now it got my right eye too.
been few days and nights that i've been sent to hell and back,i underwent and still experiencing "the most EXCRUCIATING toothache"i've ever had.
it started with a slight pain which then developed into a sharp throbbing torment.it affected my life pretty badly.initially,i swallowed aspirins with hope that it could tame this beast but i was all wrong.then i took painkillers but instead of soothing,it drove me into a drowsy clumsy state. and the toothache grew worse.i couldn't sleep,i couldn't eat and i can't work.and so,earlier today,with the weather as gloomy and dark as my tooth,marlia brought me to her neighbourhood dentist.my face was swollen,probably due to the aspirins that i took a little too much.honestly,i was totally reluctant to visit the dentist,but today i just had to face the devil once again.i had bad experience with dentists and especially that chair with the spotlight shining on your face and the scary shiny tools that they use.i just hate all that.it made my skin crawl. i was stiff when the dentist,who spoke with a slang,checked my mouth,and he went like,"oh no!" and strongly suggested that he gotta plucked out all the rotten teeth that i have.but he can't do shit today,as i had a severe infection.prescribed antibiotics,painkillers,a bottle of green mouthwash and two days mc.told me to come back next week,the proper extraction of the tooth with the killer pain,and hopefully an end to this agonizing experience.
CosFest (Costume Festival) or SG Cosplay Convention which took place last weekend here at my workplace,when and where you could see flocks of anime and fantasy characters paraded and posed for the event which being held every year without fail.
most of them donned themselves up with costumes,some took part in the competition while the rest just arrived in style according to their favourite idols or characters and mingled among the heavy crowd just to celebrate the two days.dubbed as "july's halloween" by fellow colleagues,it was sure an event not to be missed.
and of course,much anticipated stormtroopers and other star wars characters were there too!
and amidst all,a white cute and furry bear appeared.young and old,pulled out their cams and eagerly waited for their turns to take picture with it.
initially,i struggled,coz the course begins at 9am,and for a nocturnal mammal like me,who's extra active at night and the wee mornings totally glued to the PsP screen,i got a hard time.
i arrived late on the first day,and i felt guilty,and was shocked to see the other class participants which include few bigshots,both familiar and unfamiliar faces from various different departments which comprised of back end and front line guys.
at first it was tense as we had to stand up and speak in front of everybody in a small,cold room and honestly,i felt a little introverted.but soon after getting to know all the guys,i felt good.and there was lotsa jokes and fun activities and i didn't feel sleepy that i thought i should be.
so entirely,we learnt about 'service mindset',knowing and understanding internal and external customers,how to avoid and solve entanglements and conflicts and all that.it was a very fruitful course which equipped us with better understanding and ways to tackle people in both service industry and could also be applied in everyday life.yup.
and lately,my addiction to the Psp is getting hardcore.
i'm playing Grand Theft Auto now,taking a break from the Medal Of Honor Heroes,and i must say,with all the violence and quite disturbing graphics,i've been REALLY,TOTALLY engrossed and have been getting flashes of game scenes when i'm idling.quite dangerous,huh.
i'm trying to discipline myself now,but sure hell it's as hard as kicking smoking habits.
so i got both.
i smoke more and i played more.
and so i imagined,
if an adult like me got so hooked up with the games,
what about the kids?
and what about the violence that could dangerously influence them?
drenched in pool of sweat and soakin' wet due to the rain which came without a warning. it was so HOT earlier today,even the aircon units didn't seem to be working. been here at work as early as 9.30am,on a sunday. so what is so S-U-P-E-R,on a very typical sunday for me?ahh,i've gotta work,dude.(quit smiling man,ain't funny alright..) and i gotta skip tonight's skating session with the capitol crew,i'm just too tired. and looks like this whole week i'm occupied and i can't do shit outside of work. i've a 3 days course this week,and coming friday,already i know that i'm gonna be pretty tied up. it's gonna be a long,long week,again,don't you hate it?
only yesterday i moaned about how sometimes work could drive me insane,or how sometimes people i work with could drive me nuts.and it's not only that,it could even sometimes affect my emotions.and worst,my personal life.
and if i quit my job,where the hell am i going to?i don't own high flying papers that allow me to hop and with the current situation i'm in,i could bury myself six feet under.and everything in this small piece of country is all about money,and it ain't cheap with the recent rise of GST.sometimes,how i wish i have a boat,not a big one,so as long its in a working condition and have ample room for my itchy feet to move around onboard,then i could just sail around and fish.yes,i've always have this love and passion for the sea,and that's why i took up diving and pleasure craft licence.but diving is so costly while owning a boat will cost me a bomb,so the closest that i could get,is hanging around at pasir ris beach,witnessing the sunset and imagining myself on a boat.*duh*
i was so depressed last night,and right after work,i took a stroll down the asphalt pavement of pasir ris park,a yellow water bottle in my left hand,while the other clinging on a lighted cigarette.i felt so pissed off,with everything which seemed to go against me.i walked without a direction and soon ended up at the waterbreaker.the place was suprisingly quiet.i was all alone.i sat,on the cold hard surface of the waterbreaker and start re-assessing my problems one at a time.it started drizzling a lil bit and occasional wind shook the trees behind.lighted another marlboro,my tired eyes gazed at the sea across me.it was low tide,and the sea was dead calm and pitch black.pulau ubin looked like a long stretch of graveyards,the skies above was red and angry.and then i quit thinking,i don't wanna prolong the pain.i just kept quiet.and deep inside,i just prayed to God,for peace and tranquil,to free me and the rest of the believers on earth from all the complications of life.and after a while,i forgot that i was all alone,and a glance on my wristwatch indicated that it's midnight.whoo!i've sat there for quite some time and decided to head back before i got devoured by any sea serpents or water breaker ghosts. the gate was locked when i arrived,so i had to walk a big round to get to my crib.
earlier this morning,we hastily put aside everthing that needed to be done,and by afternoon,everything was ready and perfect as planned.
plan.everything is about proper planning and essential in every aspects of life.and that at least i've learnt and in fact still learning. plan b.it's something that we all should do when something or somebody screw up your plan.
and all of that won't happen if we don't have the Blessings and Grace of God. just before i left for work,my bosses called me from far, with big smiles,they drawed their hands to shook mine. i was caught in big suprise in just a b-ball shorts that cover my sweaty body. and i swear my bosses are aliens that could scan and read minds. my prayers answered on this beautiful historical tuesday.
i am not perfect in many ways.i've gotta work on weekends.i always believe there is 'somebody' watching me,especially when i shut the lights off.i hate long queues,traffic jams & last minute requests.i love confrontations.i'm married to a beautiful,loving and understanding angel.i hang out with filipinos who speak japanese.i love quiet places but i love loud music too.i don't remember what i wanna be when i was a child.i'm always a good citizen,i obey the law and i treat human & aliens with equal respect.i don't like cowboy movies.i love the wind blowing in my face when i'm speeding on the road.i am what i am and stop pretending you like me coz i know."You're crazy,sam!"that's what they said,and i just don't give a damn.(and it rhymes too.)