Soma-The Smashing Pumpkins

it's few months short close to a decade that i've been working at the same workplace still since i left the army,and it has been that long that i've actually crashed a space for myself and call it a pad;from the heydays of that container at a dodgy carpark which housed the mascots to a double storey storage by the park,with salty seabreeze and cooing crows in the morning.and only to return home on day offs or the occasional pinch of 'I miss home-cooked food' that inspired me to go back home at times.

plenty of crazy and wild stuffs have i experienced along the way,'being away from home' and i've actually learnt myself of how to be independent and discipline-from washing own clothes to cooking to keeping the pad neat and clean and stuffs like that-and turned out that i was actually looking forward to work and chill at the pad at the end of the day,resting or doing things that i love to do all by myself,it's a place of solace,where i felt SO peaceful and screening,reading books,drawing,painting,experimenting stuffs and the list is endless and never have i actually would believe that this comfort stay will come to an end,or if you ask me about 9 years back, i will laugh to the idea of settling down and leaving the boy's pad behind.with a heavy weight dragging me,i'm having mixed feelings-both happy and sad,and that i have no option but to leave the place,as in days from now,i am finally goin' to end my bachelorhood,and live alongside my 'Beloved Love-of-my-Life' together,with blessings and prayers,with dreams and hope of 'a happily ever after'story.hmm and a new place i'm callin' "home".
A New Hope.Gonna miss it all but gotta move on!
1 comment:
congrats bro....
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