Young Savage-UltraVox
what a surprise i got when i got home,not bad after a stressful day at the first aid class,not bad at all,mate!
was unloading the mess from my messenger bag,and as i stepped into my room i stumble upon a box on the stool,a package from melbourne!and like a lil boy was i anxious,too anxious i could feel myself drooling,and breathing too fast as i reached for my bunch of jangling keys to slice the scotch tape which seals the side,but it wasn't a perfect job and it's not good enough,so i ran to the kitchen's sink,grabbed the cold knife,and effortlessly,it ran across the edge of the box till it went all sides and i finally could see the mysterious content,Oooh!i was gasping for oxygen and was jumping for joy and boy was i really,truly,seriously happy!

It's a catchy,attractive,addictive jolly new pair of Adidas Stockholm model Uk size 9.5-material in soft suede;blue with yellow 3 stripes,and unique 'see-through' strong rubber soles,which i strongly believe,is not available here in SG.this is madly insane!i like!retro sneakers just like The Pack in the movie Awaydays-Football Casual Wear-Lookout!!!

Big Thank U,Big Hugs to Sis Nuras & Bro Akai from dowunder,for the Stockholm Pack!
You'll Never Walk Alone!
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