Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Born Slippy

i got high on movies earlier.watched apocalypto on dvd.hella good kinda shit.lotsa actions,emotions,thrillin' suspense(sospen)-fully me biting my nails,my heart pounded faster,made me hyper,gave me cold sweat,almost a heart attack,Oooooo WHAT A RUSH!!!!!

the best thing,it's not in english,way cool!good thing there's subtitles,and cheers to mel gibson for another movie superbly well done.

i always enjoy watching movies like that.coz i will be completely immersed,swallowed whole into the picture,as if it's me they depicting.and depending on different movies;i will be the hero,i will be the villain or i will just be cameo role dude.i like it gore & violence with a twist,mind boggling,sick & slick stories that actually reach out and touch way deep are my kinda flicks.then it got me thinking,it got me worried a bit.coz some movies are based on true stories,and those things in the movies could actually happen to you,or the movies,there are always something that we can learn,or at least prevent.i dislike the idea,of us got blindly influenced by the violence promotions-i don't.i got haunts me.after every cool movie that i watched,i got carried away,it's every where,in my flesh,in my mind,in my sleep.but hey don't ya worry,i won't hurt's just in me-in a dream like state but with a real feel,i bet you know what i mean,coz i believe you do too.and that's why i believe i am not'll never walk alone.(selit sikit)

the second movie i watched was wild hogs at the theatre with marlia was a stupid movie but yet entertaining.i laughed through out though the fact that i don't like travolta.and the only movie that i actually agree of him to be in was pulp fiction.the rest,he's a fag in another fag movie.(grease lightning,Eeeeeee nyampah nye!!)

got the killing fields but ain't got no time to watch,probably gonna save it till next week's off gotta do lotsa things and gotta rush home to watch the reds vs the blues coz too bad got no cable at the shack back at work.and right now it's the boring man u vs milan,and i do really hope the latter team wins.Boo ya!

love and evol
jaguar paw


StimGam said...

too bad baby, too bad.. only in the theatre of dreams... the unexpected becomes a reality.

Moe Hairi said...

Yeayyy for The Devils!