Right Thurr
Ooooooooooo mata kuyu siak...
i had only 2 hrs of sleep due to all the football mania earlier this morning.good thing i wasn't late,but even if i did,my boss won't know it.we don't practise punch cards like most or reporting to the office to sign our presence.we don't.we just do our own work and just don't screw up our allocated duties and our asses won't be on fire.and that's why i had an hour breakfast with the gang.which was like around 11am then i quickly rushed finishing my outstandings.after underwent a boring safety talk,i briefed other dudes to complete small tasks and...
i left.took a half day off.tired lah.shower and change into new set of clothes and i buzzed off to marlia's place.lunch and played with her sis's kiddo,so hyper till he slipped and fell onto the cold floor.cengeng.lips bleeding.but 3 minutes later,he's back to his hyper activity mode.talkin about kids.
we went down to the playground and rushed back when it started to drizzle.
as the rain subsided,me and marlia scoot down town.illegal parked at a church at sophia rd,an easy evening stroll down peace centre.i was looking for valentine music centre.searched high and low,went to the next building,went back to the other building,checked the directory,asked around,in vain,zip,nada,takda.valentine music centre,a store,which once sells records,cds and turntables and stuffs,where anne will greet you nicely,has disappeared.and everybody i asked has a dumb look on their faces,"AH,WHAT AH?DON"T KNOW.."the only person who replied but somehow didn't really answer my question was a blonde chinese lady with a tattoo on her arm,"hey,you not the only one who asks that,you know?"i freaked out but i won't give up.no worries,i'll ask my boss when i see him tomorrow.
i have had enough of disappointments today.i'm so busy today that i forgot i didn't have enough sleep.gotta turn in now.
the reason why i decided to look for anne,is to checkout whether they have dr dre's chronic album.been searchin all around but,you know...next:excelsior-gotta look for paul and the rest,probably they will answer my prayer.
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