Saturday, 14 April 2007

Friday I'm In Love

hell,it was raining again.

it was kinda perfect in the morning when i woke up;

sun's ray on the tree leaves,
the birds chirping in melodious harmony,
yellow butterflies dancing around the green rubbish bin,
fat folks jogging with ridiculous dreams of being slim jim..

it's all good.

and when i hopped on my scoot and head back home for lunch,
it drizzled.
then came the crazy storm on the highway.
drove me nuts.
when you are riding on the highway,and the rain hits your face,it's painful.
feels like a thousand needles poking your soft flesh with no mercy.
and it's dangerous too.those bloody trucks and evil taxis just won't be nice to your ass.
so,the best thing to do,don't ride a bike when it's raining.but i didn't.
well,i was halfway there,and i'm Sooo Soakin' Wet.
got home,satisfied my tummy and went back to work.

so at work today,we just hung back and relax.the bosses ain't around you see,
so we did our lil bit,plan about the weekends,
and ...

i decided to do a lil maintenance.
cleaned and greased up my skateboard ball bearings.
and Muradikal assisted.
another perfect day at work.
friday i'm in love.
just like that song.

it's all good.

1 comment:

Four Wheels said...

wah lu dah balik eh.....hmm 3rd may skate nak? kalau weather baik, pasal gua abis exam by then...pas tu attachments so bz skit....wah lu ada link gua, doughboy nama oldskool sak citer apa eh aku lupa title dia ala yng ice-cube act tu....jadi doughboy..