Monday, 19 November 2007

Holy Diver

happy wet school holidays and yes it's back again.

and happy monday,as always it's as shitty as every other mondays.
and bet you don't have a clue how i've to go through hell everytime the kids celebrate their freedom here,and they come in big groups.

so the school holidays programme is up and running right now,and that doubled my jobscope,plus there are so many events coming and i've gotta stay in shape.i've been sick recently and that really screwed up my focus on things.

so i spent my time with the company of loved ones and cousins at Shahreil aka Boboi at his wedding yesterday,and it was fantastic;i always have a thing for chandeliers,and the decor team put up real nice taste,hanging it by the the entire day,i was talking to relatives and friends,and hanging out with lil cuzzies's kids involved in some serious multiplayer grand theft auto vice city game.small kids with dangerously big boy's bad habits.

and of course,i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Shahreil and Yati!Alhamdulillah,after the long wait,you guys are finally wedded together.

so when is your turn moe hairi?

ok i gotta go!


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