Sunday, 20 February 2011

This Love-Pantera

we're done for the day-i had too much talking over the microphone earlier-inviting participants for a simple game back at work.sneaked out during noon for a wedding reception with my wife,after a good lunch we hung out laughing and talking with friends a lil bit,then i sent off my wife and i was back at work again.
tomorrow is a big task-i saw the boys clearing the stage-speakers,cables,flight cases and all,as the contractors are coming and the stage will be handed over to them for quite a major overhaul-a new look with bigger space-and making way for the talk of the town this coming march-Morbid Angel is hailing from God-Knows-Where,and putting on their long awaited show here in the sunny isle of Singapore.
for my team-we had to rig,another set of stage somewhere hidden in an old space somewhere in my workplace-a huge 40 by 20 feet stage mockup,designing for something big which is coming soon-God-Knows-What-and we don't like the sound of it as it will require sacrificing lotsa precious time-but then it's our job-yeah we know it..
me and my wife been dying to unbox the toys that we had-especially the star fighters and the huge at-te & the clone turbo tank-but we will have another problem if we do so-no space for display-so we'll have to control ourselves and wait-but it won't be long i know.

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