Tuesday, 6 May 2008


as far as i could stretch my mind back to my childhood innocence,apart from kids' flicks like Goonies,E.T. and The Monster Squad (but of course Star Wars but it doesn't fit in this category anyway..),i believe every lil soul who grew up with me(or like me)watching those movies,will forever be inspired and tried hard to imitate the action packed adventures in the most silly ways;like playing 'treasure hunt' in the tunnels of the monsoon drain and suprisingly still,apart from the common cuts and bruises,none of my fellow childhood buddies ever gone home and caught themselves with Hands,Foot and Mouth disease!ahh those glory days..
mischievous as always,especially over the weekends and during school breaks...

how can we all forget idolising Han Solo with whips---------Indiana Jones!!!!!
yeah,dats right,he's back yo!

i rather save my precious money and wait for the big show-in weeks-showing in theatres near you!!!!!

p.s-don't be a miser,this is the kinda show you gotta watch at the theatre to enjoy the full touch and feel thang.and if you wanna wait and watch on net,hey,

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