Saturday, 28 April 2007

Saturday Night

i'm so tired i could sleep for a year.

been standing from morning,only now i could rest a bit.shortly i've gotta welcome david and familia from cambodia.they are staying at the resort for a couple of days.

really am legs are almost numb,and the heat made it's so damn hot i lost my appetite.(cekik air je dari pagi..)

and i just received a call from hans,telling me that the mini convoy is down,so that means i have to cut my break short and attend to the problem.well,that is it,another busy saturday.

"Today shes been working, shes been talking, shes been smoking,But itll be alright,Cos tonight well go dancing, well go laughing, well get car sick,And itll be okay like everyone says, itll be alright and ever so nice,Were going out tonight, out and about tonight.
Oh, whatever makes her happy on a saturday night,Oh whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright."

i wish.

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