Wednesday, 19 September 2007

The Ballad Of Tom Jones

my tummy is SO bloated.

i had a lil too much food when i broke fast earlier,and though been hours now but still it's bloated.

and during our meal,ebok told me to see jaapa coz since he underwent surgery i didn't had time to pay him a visit.he was fine,we had nice conversation over tea at casuarina rd and then to a gas station where he had his car washed.he still bugging me to go diving,i just smiled.

alhamdulillah,everything went smooth,although it's a bit tiring back at work,but so far,so good for this early part of ramadan.hungry-no,thirsty-yes,but i stick to drinking about 1 litre of water before the strike of dawn each day,so i am not that many evils i've to face at work,but i handle and tackle it with patience,yes sometimes i'm angry,but i quickly doused the fire off before it turned to a maniacal flame.

sleepy,i'm always sleepy,as i usually hit the sack pretty late every night,i like to surf the net or if i can't access the network (which what i'm experiencing back at work lately) i'll read a book,or simply just do other things that i love,like drawing cartoons or simply tidying up my stuffs,enjoying quiet moments in private,with only lush fm accompanying me.and since i fell ill the last time,i haven't touch my Psp yet,coz if i do,it's gonna be worse,and i tend to sleep even later than usual,so for the time being i'll give it a rest a lil bit.

but ramadan or no ramadan,work is still work,no excuses.

quite sad when a colleague approached me and asked,
"kau puasa,sam?(are you fasting,sam?)

and i replied,"ya,puasa beb."(yes,i am.)
"kau tak..?"(and you?)

"tak ah...camne nak puasa,keje berlambak,org dulu dulu bolehlah,tak keje,dorang gi perang,dapat harta,balek kaya raya,mcm kita nie cam maner nak puasa?
dulu ustad aku time puasa ajak aku gi kedai kopi,makan bersama,aku tanya dia tak puasa?dia cakap itu urusan dia dgn Tuhan,aku pon join dia lah.."
( to fast?there're so many work to do.the older generations could fast,because
they fought wars and returned home with treasures and turned guys like us,how to fast?and once,my teacher brought me to a food centre during fasting month,and when i asked him why he's not fasting,he said it's between him and God,so i joined him having our meals together

i was shock..hmm..i didn't wanna engage in a battle with him,but deep in me strongly,somehow i knew that his excuses are blatantly dumb.

my dad did'nt go to war and we're not rich,and so was my grand dad and grandads before him,who probably went to war but i didn't see any points linking or supporting his claim.

and sorry to say this,but i think he got the wrong ustad to guide him.yes,everything is between us and God,but if you're guiding somebody,would you mislead?and being somebody with the title ustad,he's supposed to show a good example,unless of course he's ill and couldn't fast,but i doubt still,coz even an average muslim,will be too embarassed to be eating in the day,at the foodcourt during ramadan,and not even asking a student to tag along.that's wrong.yes,that ain't right.

do the right thing,fellas!

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