Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Across The Universe

picked up marlia and we made a dash downtown orchard.on the highway the peak hour jam was unbearable.vehicles slower than tortoises,crawling inch by inch.good thang i was riding a scoot.after weavin' and dodgin' finally made our way to HMV.

all this while,it was prem,my colleague,whom my company gave him $300,twice a month,to purchase audio cds,for us to to play at the console.and all the while,he bought,plenty of irritating eurobeat techno junk,dull one hit wonder albums,nasty hip hop artists which songs are totally 'unacceptable' to the mainstream crowd due to its explicit content.and probably due to his withering age,he even 'negligently' bought the same albums that he had bought before.

and earlier today,i was given the honour,to purchase the cds.
along the way,i've planned,what and what not to buy.

there weren't many people there.and so i started bending high and low.i scanned all the three floors.marlia tagged behind,grumbling,said she's hungry,i said she helped as well to lighten my burden.i made sure i got good cds with different types of genres and at good price too.i got variety selection of retro,hiphop,ska,reggae,jazz,lounge,motown,bossa,house,alternative and even sound effects and movie themes cds. after spending about an hour,we finally check the blue basket that i carried around.i was so bad at math,i gotta whip out my calc wristwatch.and so,we paid $300.40 for the 13 wonderful cds.and i don't mind shelling out forty cents out of my own pocket.coz i got to purchase the cds,myself,my taste.

move over prem.

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