Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Venus As A Boy

it's all good news!
seven good news.enough to keep me smiling.

1-i am getting a new phone very soon.
2-besides the GST package that we're getting,heard wind that the company is doing good this quarter and generously giving us some dough as well.Woweeeeee!
3-i had a good meal earlier.
4-my back feels way much better today.now my toes itch to skate...
5-i got my darth vader keychain fixed!it was broken,soaked in the pail of water and it's still working.applied some glue and it's back hangin' again.i just simply love when the phone rings and the light flashes on its eyes.yeah!
6-there's nothing but good things during the meeting with my big boss earlier.
7-i am goin' back home for dinner later,ibuk cooked some nice meals today!that's what i'm talkin' about!food glorious food!

it's all good!

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