Saturday, 9 June 2007

Common People

this whole place is turning into a playground.

got back from home earlier,and as i turned into the dim carpark,two girls were sitting in front of a parked car,in the dark.that was the dumbest thing to do!
and when i walked past a block of chalets,kids were running around and it was midnight!the whole place was littered with rubbish,oh!i really hate school breaks!
(or am i getting old???)

back at work earlier,i sneaked into ticketcharge office and jason pimped some games into my psp,hey i got Call Of Duty Roads To Victory!and its free!!!!! i can lounged myself some cosy corner and feast my eyes and exercise my brains a bit.ain't it?but i need to expand my memory card and that means $$$.but jason the pimp advised me to go and purchase it at JB.and it's been awhile since i rest my foot on JB which i dubbed as Mexico.Good bargains at less the price but the danger is twice as far,i've never had any bad encounters,only rude ass discourteous punks but we've heard so many stories about their notoriety that totally discourage us to visit their of the Real reason why i dislike going there is the traffic jam at both the immigration checkpoints,i HATE traffic jams.and that's why i haven't been there for quite some time.thanks but no thanks.maybe i'll walk,or take public transport or hitch a ride,but hell,i don't wanna be trapped in a long winding traffic jam at the causeway when i'm on my scoot.hell no.i had it and i call it a quit.enough of the trips just to save a couple of dollars just to save on gas.i'll rather spend the time waiting on elsethings.or blogthings.or whateva.

and speaking of blogging...bakhtiar AKA tit totally disapprove of us guys blogging.he said it was lame...haha...whateva...i like and doesn't matter to me dude if anybody else against it,coz I LIKE!!!!

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